Beware of Blast Deals.
Address: 1773 E. 46th St. Los Angeles, CA 90058 USA
Phone: 323-231-7468 Cell: 818-625-8472 Cell: 818-641-6834
BBM: 22C7C2A6 E
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Greg Kiselyuk & Vijay Chandiramani
We have shipped Blastdeals Hd7 64 pieces carrier returns as instructed with fedex standard overnight on the April 4th 2011 the tracking number 794611069823 total amount $18, 240.The package went on their account and their fedex label. The package is lost at Fedex Facility in Los Angeles Airport. Greg said I have third party insurance on it so no need to put insurance value on the fedex account. I traveled to Los Angeles to fix this matter. Vijay promised me that he will pay it and he has filed the claim with their insurance which is Hardford. Also told me he will provide me with all the paper work he field but now it’s been 3 weeks he is avoiding my calls and giving accuses and finally today he told me he will not pay and it’s not his problem. He even said go and email blast I don’t care. FYI Many other companies have faced similar situations shipping to Blast deals. Make sure you get your wire/money first before shipping it to them.
Complain By,
Atronics Corporation, Inc Dba Fone Xchange Trading.
7100 Regency Square Blvd Ste: 180
Houston, texas 77036
Ph: 832-838-4430 Cell: 832-419-5759
Email: [email protected]
Kamran Tabani