Jean Dentinger
September 19, 2009
unauthorized charges
On Friday, 09/18/2009, I discovered an unauthorized withdrawal from my checking account for 72.21. When I called my bank, I found it had been "keyed in" by Blazing Key Words. Someone from Blazing Key Words did not have my card but had my card number.
I have never visited this site, nor ever heard of it. I have cancelled my card and am disputing the charge. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. The BBB has Blazing Key Words rated: F.
I know I am not the only one. Why isn't this site closed down?
Thank you.
August 25, 2009
Unauthorized Charges
I signed up to recieve a $1.99 info packet from www.grantmasters.com. Next thing I know I am getting an unauthorized withdrawl of $72.21 from my bank account. I called one of the most rude and obnoxious call centers I have spoken to in a long time. They were offend that I would attempt to cancel. They person I spoke with talked over me and said they was nothing he could do, nor anything he would do, other than discontinue the "service". He claims he is going to refund $38.?? from Grant Masters. We'll see. I am not confident they will discontinue charging my account. I am going to my bank today to cancel my card and get reissued a new one. I suggest to anyone who has inadrevtantly been scammed into business with these guys to do the same.
August 10, 2009
unauthorized withdraw
Made un authorized charge on credit card for 72.21 RR 609:-refund-for-william kroontje $72.21
Lt Col John
July 16, 2009
Unauthorized Charges
I noticed 72.21 deducted from my account. When i called the number from my bank statement, I found it was a service company. They apologized stating that I should be refunded within 10 days. of course this has not happened. they refused to give me the phone # of the company that authorized the transaction. does anyone have a phone number or other contact information. please send it to jwfrierson@gmail.com.
July 16, 2009
i was on orlando fox 35 news...it was a great way to make money...due to the fact i am unemployeed ... they took out of my account 73.21 and also 2.00 from my bank.. 7-10 working days to recieve my money. this is fraud i did not authorize for them to take money from my bank... times are HARD and i am not working this is WRONG...
please help me...i want to file fraud charges against them
July 8, 2009
unauthorized withdrawals
these peopl.e have taken 72.21 38.84 from my debit card i have not authorized this and i want my money back!!!
Lori Knight
June 19, 2009
RR609 refund for Lori Knight
Blazing key words has been taking money out of my account without my knowledge or permission, in the amounts of$72.21 and$38.34 This is a product or company that I never signed up for, I was only waiting for a CD to arrive in the mail which never came, and I demand my money back. Lori Knight Cancellation#060409-8829925
June 2, 2009
unauthorized charges
This company charged my account 4 times 3 where unauthorized. They charged me another 1.99 plus 54.84 plus 72.21 all that are a couple of days apart. I called them and they are giving me the run around so I called my bank and they closed out my card and refunded my money and also filed a report. So beware of this scam and please please report this company thank you