I put down the $99.99 for a laptop computer with Blue Hippo, and paid the $39.99 per month as requested. After realizing that I could just save my money and buy a computer sooner than they were willing to send me one, I called to cancel my order. I already knew that my money would be refunded to me in the form of a "Store Credit", so when I called to cancel my order, the rep told me to go online and pick out anything that I wanted and they would send it to me. The rep assured me that all I would have to do is pay the difference/balance if there was one. When I found the site, there wasn't much to choose from for the $300+ dollar credit that I had, so for the time being, I chose a digital camera that cost about $150.00-$200.00. When I got to the checkout page and put my code in, to my surprise the site instructed me to send in a money order to cover S&H charges. This caught me off-gaurd because I chose an item that cost less than HALF of the credit I had available. Why couldn't they just take the S&H off of my credit? I immediately became frustrated with the fact of knowing that I ALREADY paid over $300.00 to this company for a computer that I WASN'T getting, and to get the items to replace it, I would have to pay at LEAST another $100.00. This was really fishy to me, so I put off getting the money order for a while until I could get some background info on this company and speak with a rep over the phone. Working full time and being a single parent was time-consuming enough. Not to mention it was the holiday season (November 2009). So I didn't have time to go get a money order to play cat and mouse games with a company that already had a good chunk of my money. By the time I was ready to sit down and deal with this issue it was December. I went back to the website only to be re-directed. To my surprise, I found that the company no-longer existed! I tried calling the phone number where I had JUST spoke to reps over a few weeks prior who instructed me to go to the web-site: Non-working number. Filled with Anger and Frustration, I put the issue temporarily on the back-burner hoping that I would here a commercial, or see an advertisement saying that they were back and action and I could claim my items, or receive paperwork in the mail instructing me on how to get my money back. Nothing ever happened. In fact, I STILL can't find any info on how to obtain my money back. If anyone knows anything about this matter, Please contact me at:
[email protected] -Thank You.