They advertise free cards, which they have, then offer an upgrade 30 day trial period. I signed up, gave CC info, then sent a couple of cards. A couple of days later I called and cancelled (this is only option for canceling) received verbal confirmation but no confirmation code. Then I began getting bills from "Bill Me Later" saying I owed money to Blue Mountain. I refused to pay and told them I wasn't going to pay. I tried calling Blue Mountain to no avail. However there must be a huge problem with this because you are advised quite often as you navigate their phone system that "no refunds of charges for membership fees that have been made for Accra past trial period will be issued." I never was able to talk to a real person. bill Me Later representative gave me an "alternate contact number" from their system and advised me to try that number. Again I had a long navigation through Blue Mountains system to no avail. I took the precaution of canceling a second time to avoid further charges. My bill by this time had accrued to well over an absurd $120.
my belief is that this is a scam and Blue Mountain Ecards is making a small fortune along with Bill Me Later collection agency. My husband finally negotiated a lower amount to stop the harassing phone calls that were coming multiple times per day! Beware of Blue Mountain Ecards and Bill Me later