I ordered and paid for a Wii Bundle, extra memory and extra controller in mid February 2008. Five days later, my order status was 'will ship', mid-March and no Wii!!! I'm now out $500.00 and not very happy about it. I got the same runaround everyone else who reported them has gotten. They don't answer their emails, don't answer their phones, no responce to faxes and don't ship their items. I have reported them to the BBB and also to the Department of Consumer Affairs and to the FBI.
Their website getsyou to the page where it says they are building a new web page and that they are not responsible for any transactions that you may have with Blue Bear Toys. for a while they had the crook's photo up there with his contact ifo. He does not take any incoming calls and does not respond to e-mails. To top it off, the guy was a Rabbi. His name is Rabbi Ilan Guez.
I believe we've all been completely and totally ripped off and the only hope we have is to be reimbursed by our credit card companies due to the fraudulent way they run their business. Unfortunately, my bank is not cooperating with me, I may have to go to Visa directly to get this resolved. I hope they all go to jail for fraud someday.