I noticed another complaint for best buy baton rouge on bluebonnet on this website and wanted to add mine to the list. I have done business with best buy in another state for years and spent thousands of dollars but i can say that i will never buy another thing from this store again due to my experience three days ago.
I bought an item from them and accidentally left something personal of mine at the check out-i noticed about 10 minutes after leaving the store. I called the store (which only took me about 15 minutes to get someone to answer the damn phone-if you've ever called bely buy you know what im talking about) the person i spoke to said they would put it in their typical spot and i could just come in and pick it up.
I went back in the same day-told the customer service desk what i was there for-and then stood there for 45 minutes while the people i told about it stood there having a conversation and bouncing a toy ball on the floor. After about 30 minutes i asked for a manager-it turns out that the guy bouncing the ball was the manager-he would not even come and talk to me!!!! The other guy then said he would call me when they found it-so i left and 3 days later, with no phone call of course, i had to spend another 10-15 minutes calling different departments asking for a manager.
One guy finally answered in the tv department and found the item himself after i asked for a manager-he at least helped-but he still wouldn't let me speak to a manager? I guess those managers have better things to do than to take care of customers. Circuit city/online shopping here i come!