After being an owner for 1 year and having vacation plans rejected a total of 11 times we are selling our property. At this point we just want to break even and get out of this scam. I think Bluegreen Vacation Resorts is one big scam. We were told one thing when we signed up only to be told by someone else that wasn't true. We have tried 11 times to book vacations and were told ALL 11 times that there were no vacancies. We gave them multiple places and still No Vacancies. We were told at the time of signing up we could book vacations in a little as two days. Maybe - but you certainly won't be going anywhere you want to go. Every time we have tried to book we are advised that we need to book at least 6 months in advance. So for grins, I called to book 8 months in advance to 6 different places only to be told there were no vacancies. Why are there no vacancies? Bluegreen holds a number of units for their corporate clients. So if the property has several bookings Bluegreen will put a hold on x amount of units. BUT Bluegreen is very happy to take money out of my acccount each month and I'm getting nothing in return.
So, if anyone out there gets a call for a two night stay and all you have to do is listen to a presentation - DON'T BOTHER!! What they say in the sales pitch sounds good, but it doesn't come true. They say what you want to hear, but in reality it isn't the way it works.