Same story as all of the others on here. Was slightly behind on mortgage (1 month), contacted them for a loan modification because the adjustable rate was about to make payments go WAY up, so they charged me +$600 and did...nothing. Told me to hold off on payments as they were working the details with mortgage co., and that my contacting them coulc "mess up" their dealings with them. I complied for two months. The mortgage co foreclosed in that time... said that they had never heard of Bills Made Simple or talked to anyone about it. We offered to pay up... they said too late. BMS refused ALL phone calls from us.
I also have MANY emails and several messages saved to my voicemail from them. Since then EVERY number I have for them and their web site... GONE... shut off... disconnected.
Anyone needs anything I have or wants to join in a class actions suit. I AM IN