The Manager of this store is completly rude and out of line. My daughter picked a toy up from an umbrella rack while in line at the cash register, it was a over sized microphone that changes you voice when you talk into it. my daughter, as most kids would, probaly the reason for it being in an umbrella rack, began to talk into when i heard her i proceded to take it from her and place it where she had gotten it from when Cricke, t a manager at the Visalia, CA mooney branch of Boarders, snatched it and said "I cant sell that, she put her mouth on it" and walked off. i have reported her to her distric manager and i demand she be fired. No one in a perfesional setter, or any setting, should be talking to people espically to children. And if you read this i hope you are ashamed of yourself.
Discusted Mother