This company called me saying they were going to promote my book.
First they offered to build me a website, complete with features like "a free blog" for a starting price of $329. Okay, blogs are free, and you can get your own domain for $20 bucks or less for a year. The guy was telling me that most places charge $800-$1300 a year.
He told me over 500, 000 people were already interested in my book. In what country? In what universe?
I wasn't really irritated until he told me the genre for my book. He told me it was 'literary fiction' and it is actually a motivational/self-help book. I am assuming they guessed the genre because it has 'knight' in the title. I said, "It's not fiction." He replied with, "Well that's what it is listed as, okay. Which is alright, okay. It will still get sent out to people, okay..."
Then since I wasn't interested in that because I told him I knew HTML and could make my own website if I really wanted, he tried to offer me email advertising services for $5oo+. Why would I want my book associated with spam-like emails?
This place is trying to scam first-time authors who are already hurting for money as it is. is a scam.