This is one art Museum you can afford to miss!!! Don't waste your time visiting a museum which is three quarters closed 90 % of the time. The Museum is beautiful, the management is ridiculous. My experience when The Museum was miserable.
Three Quarters of the Museum was closed. The top Floors were rented to a loud gathering, in which the patrons of that gathering were running around the museum, intoxicated, with cell phones, carrying on loud, and I mean loud, obnoxious phone conversations while we, the paying public, were trying to enjoy art . Furthermore, these drunken fools where allowed to run though the galleries of which only they were privileged . Access was denied to me and my guests to very galleries we came to the Museum to visit. Yes we were told we could come back within ten days free of charge for a second chance to see what we missed; However that is a stupid, clumsy, ridiculous compensation for those on vacation and whose time is limited.
I have no idea how the Museum has managed to get around having a Class action lawsuit for discrimination. I am a male who carries a small modest shoulder bag. I was told I had to put it a locker. I refused noticing that women whose pocket books where much larger than my small shoulder bag where not being asked to do the same. Furthermore the harassment never ceased through out my entire visit.
During my visit, I put on a smile and complied Graciously to the rules without protest( Other than giving up my shoulder bag. ) knowing full well that I would write to all those I knew via email telling them of my experience. I am also finding other males who have visited your Museum to find if they too were the targets of discrimination.