*****Raw sewage coming out of the Kitchen****
I am currently a resident/Client of Boulder community treatment center AKA BCTC. I room W/3 other women, one of which is very sick with Lupus.
For the past 4 days we have had a plumbing problem in our kitchen sink that has only gotton worse. We have been using buckets to drain our sink to prevent it from running over.
As of today and the time of this email it is not fixed they are "trying" with with very little results.
Since we have all touched the water ot even being in our room we have all became very sick, upset stomach coughing etc. The roommate with lupus is breaking up with terrible rash swollen joints and is in unbearable pain and yet still no results.
They did offer to move us with four other women and that would be 8 women living in a 450 sq feet room.