2007 01-30 When I brought my cat into the clinic because another cat had bitten her, Dr Silver drew blood as part of the treatment. In the examining room before treatment, I asked Dr Siver for an accounting of expected charges so I would be prepared when I picked up my cat. Dr Silver explained the associated charges and gave me a written estimate of 283.25
When I picked up my cat, I was charged over $50.00 more! When I had the audacity to question his bill given the estimate, the man went beyond rude, I thought he would stroke out. Turns out the additional charge was for his "fee" which was not listed on the original estimate. This was a charge I knew nothing about. He says his receptionist should have told me. She hadn't. I think in that case, that's his in-house issue not mine under duress. Why not just line-item this fee on the written estimate? Why should it be presumed the customer knows? Seems like a very underhanded tactic to me, not to mention his unwarranted rudeness and downright nastiness.
His solution? He decided, without conferring, to keep his "fee" and forgo processing my cat's bloodwork! He decided to make sure he paid himself at my cat's expense. This from a man who states on his written estimate "... be assured that the health of your pet is our highest concern..."
I don't think so. I never went back.