This organization has had lots of complaints on many levels. Recently a mother was told she couldn't nurse in a particular area of the Bounce Around. A few days later, a group of mothers were also they told that they couldn't nurse in the same area. When these ladies told the management this is against the State of Maryland's laws protecting a mothers rights to breastfeed the employee said it was a corporate policy not to allow food and drink in this particular area.
Breastfeeding and Maryland Law
Mothers have the right to breastfeed wherever they go with their baby. No particular legislation should be needed to protect the right of mothers’ to breastfeed in public. However, legislation has been enacted in nearly one-half of the states in the U.S. (including Maryland) in order to clarify the right, and provide remedy for mothers told to stop breastfeeding in public. In 2003, Maryland passed legislation regarding breastfeeding in public.
The law states that:
A mother may breast-feed her child in any public or private location in which the mother and child are authorized to be
A person may not restrict or limit the right of a mother to breast-feed her child.
(§ 20-801. Breast-feeding of children.)
In regards to breastfeeding support, Maryland was the first state to provide an exemption from sales tax for breastfeeding accessories, that may be used by breastfeeding mothers (Maryland Code: Tax General: Title 11. Sales and use tax: Subtitle 2. Exemptions: 11-211). Exempt items include breast pumps, breast pump hook-up kits, breast shells, nursing shields, Supplemental Nursing System (SNS), feeding tubes, breast milk storage bags, finger feeders, and purified lanolin.