Our Company’s situation is very similar to previous complaints.
Our Company was contacted by a sales rep from Bowers & Kelly. They called to verify Company’s address and information. After the information was given they offered to send a promotional catalog, and described their packing slip “special offer, ” the employee was not interested. A few days later we received 3, 000 packing slips that were not order because a P.O. was not assigned to them, with an invoice for $335.90! We contacted the Company via fax stating that we did not order this product and requested them to send UPS to pick-up. The B&K Company acted very unprofessionally to our response. We spoke to the manager at B&K and he replayed the recording, which we have come to conclude that our employee’s voice got inserted to an existing recorded script. Mike at B&K threatened to report us to collections if we did not pay for the 25% restocking fee. Our Company has decided not to pay B & K because, besides the fact that we did NOT order the product, they are running a scam.
When our Company viewed the BBB website we saw that B&K has an F rating, obviously they are not running a legit Company. We also saw that B&K has not obtained a registration as a Telephonic Seller in California in which I encourage other Companies to also file a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General, Public Inquiry Unit, at P.O. BOX 944255, Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 or call 800-952-5225.