gas fraud
May 17, 2010
Lying Sammy the 'Manager'
I'm a regular customer at this b/p station because its what my 1999 Chevy Blazer takes and its closer to my house. On May 15th 2010 I pulled up to the pump #5 swiped my card and began fueling I needed a fill up so I locked the latch and stayed by my vehicle while the gas was being pumped I had about 1/4 of a tank and at $2.69/gal I know it would be about 35-40 bucks so as I was watching the dollars roll through it was now at $32 I looked away and all of a sudden i felt gas splashing on my feet and I immediately removed the pump handle from the tank, furious that the latch didn't release when the tank became full as it always did in the past so then I go in and tell the attendant and he said the he was aware of the problem and stated that there was a note above the card reader slot to inform customers of the problem, I then returned to the pump just to check thinking I may have over looked it, in my mind I know that there wasn't a note posted, low and behold upon my return there wasn't a note, now I'm really heated i return back in the store to inform the attendant he followed me back to the pump and said that it was on pump #7 and he said' it was nothing that he could do, so I asked for his manager's name and phone # he stated that he would be here in the morning. on the following morning around 10:00am I arrived and asked the guy about Sammy and at first he said Sammy wasn't here and second that he didn't know Sammy, getting the run around I asked about the Manager he said " he wasn't here and that he wouldn't be in today, OK so I asked his name he said Sammy!!! wal-la the culprit himself is found out and he asked me "how much gas was lost" I said " about 4-5 dollars" and he quickly said " I can't do anything about it" I said " I'm a regular customer. Never again purchase gas from that location, OH get this he's a forenier. I think he should go home back to his country. The USA is gone to pots letting everyone and anyone come and take over businesses controlled by rude selfish foreniers don't care about this country just the money sending it back to their country. This is AMERICA people.