The BP gas station on Concord Pike, across from Charcoal Pit, needs new pumps. It is so frustrating to enter and get out of the car, open the gas door, put in the credit card and find that it says to See Cashier. So you trump inside and the attendant says "try another pump." So out you go to another pump. Same thing. The attendant says "What do you want from me - I only make minimum wage - take your complaint to the corporate office." I offered to pay by card inside, but he said he can only take cash inside. I asked for he corporate number but when I called it - right in front of him - the number was not a working number. The attendant said it is the only number he has!!
Tonight was the third time this happened. I know - I should go elsewhere but it has the cheapest gas by 5-10 cents and the location is convenient. Customer Service - this is my last shot at help and then I will give up on BP.
This time the attendant said his machine registered Reject of my credit card. I stood right there and called on my cell to my credit card company. They said there is nothing on their part for any rejection - nothing has come through on their end - that it must be a problem at the station. So lo and behold, my husband pulls in with his car and Voila, his card and pump worked. I waited until he was finished, pulled up behind him and when he used HIS card it said See Cashier!! Again, the pump did not work. We think it is because of the cold weather????? I GIVE UP