Watch out for this piece of garbage. He is pretending to be some socialite from Torrington Connecticut, the closest thing that state has to a trailer park, that tells people about his huge fortunes, has them do a ton of work for him, and runs away leaving nothing but expenses and losses for those that meet him.
He has a co-conspirator in his scam, Peter Belmonte - his father, no less. That's how he gets away with it.
They pose as high rollers telling people that they are hard money lenders with ridiculous sums to lend and then hit the poor borrow for huge initiation fees, and never fund the deal.
The kid is a convicted felon, check the court records. He has been convicted of assault, selling liquor to minors on 3 occasions and FELONY FRAUD to the tune of over $71, 000.00. That you can verify by searching the Torrington Citizen Register (their local paper).
The father has filed for bankruptcy protection on more than one occasion, has had his house forclosed on and has several judgments against him. Definitely not the behavior of a millionaire.
Please be careful if you think you're going into any business with this guy. He's bad news.