As usual9for me) when considering a purchase that offers different payment plans - I chose the most efficient plan which was the 12-mo payment up front rather than the more expensive monthly fee. Upon completing a purchase through my cell phone for my cell phone (a mobile access website), I found that the video's due to an unknown reason will not play on my phone and immediately went back to the website and scoured it for more than half an hour attempting to find a means to cancel the account and get a refund. Finally, I had to get to a desktop pc and look up the website in order to email them and request a cancellation and refund. The terms and conditions said it would take no more than 2 days to get a response to any questions. Yet, it took an additional email and 3 days to get a response re my request. Within these responses were a simply stated 'due to terms and conditions you cannot have a refund, but we have gone ahead and canceled your account for you", I immediately shot back a a respectful reply, stating I saw nothing that stated it was non-refundable and was more than willing to come to a mutually beneficial conclusion to the arrangement, to no avail. A different billing agent responded, addressing me with an incorrect name, and stated again, the same as the first agent in an even more brief and terse manner. At this point, I emailed back immediately that I knew *where* they had been and was asking for *a copy* of them, at which point they opted to not even respond. Needing to complete my night at work I called once I got home in order to address the issue.
When I called in, I spoke with a man named Joseph who was pleasant until I asked for a supervisor, and he stated that supervisors did not get on the phones, when I adamantly insisted he stated he was the uppermost employee on the phone, and was only taking calls because they had an abundance of calls. I figured it wasnt worth the argument to poke holes in that statement and then explained what happened.
It was again reiterated that the T&C(terms and conditions) disallowed any refund as it states that the payments received are "protected" which apparently means - Non-refundable. And, that I should have saved the T&C when I got the confirmation page of my payment at that time if I needed to refer to them. I might add - that this purchase is made on a PHONE, with a little 2x2 screen you're supposed to read those 6pages of T&C.
I was once more adamant that this was a poor practice for a business and that I wanted a refund, offering that I was willing to accept a months fee as penalty for terminating the account as long as it meant I got the rest of it back (which would've equated to about $50.
Joseph asked why I wanted the refund and I stated it wasn't compatible with my phone - and he said the only way they could then refund is if tech support stated it wasn't compatible. So, I was transferred to Tech support and spoke with George, who supposedly ran off and fetched the same exact phone I have and found that it worked. Despite my explanations of the "black screen" I continued to get, despite the changes he suggested in the system on my phone - I was still denied a refund because, according to George "its compatible with your type of phone but apparently not your phone due to some unknown reason" and thus does not qualify.
I argued this logic - and was transferred back to Joseph - Who, again stated that he could do nothing and it was customer negligence that created this problem and he could do nothing, especially since they have over 6million viewers. I explained that I would not accept this and would take it to the next level and move on up from there as necessary including speaking with the BBB(better business bureau) and he said that they were fully accredited as necessary and that no rules or regulations had been broken but that I was welcome to call back in 15 minutes to speak with Chris, their supervisor.
I told him to please just give Chris the account information and my number stating that I was requesting a call. Joseph stated they do not make calls out and that I would only get the exact same response from Chris in regards to wanting my refund, before promptly wishing me a good day and hanging up.
I am blown away how ANY company can find this type of service acceptable. As seen in the emails provided, I could understand(maybe) if I were in the middle of my service not allowing a refund - but there is no logical reason besides manipulating circumstance to gain money that they would have for disallowing refunds.
Further - it took me almost four hours searching the website to not only find the terms and conditions again, but to find their ADDRESS for contact (which there are 2 different addresses and company names so its unclear WHICH you're supposed to use) in order to mail in complaints.
I have been at work all night and need sleep but will call back to speak with, Chris, this supposed supervisor who, according to Joseph wont speak on the phone - demanding my refund in full at this point.