Brenda Thornhill aka Richard Bailey purchased one set of Tupperware bowls from me, then requested a second set shipped to her. Brenda was shipped out the second set of Tupperware bowls, but she only paid for the one set (first set). She requested the second set after purchasing the first set from me. She refuses to ship one set back, or pay for the second set. It is considered a crime to accept merchandise and not pay for it. I have 2 tracking numbers showing delivery of both bowl sets. Set one sent via FedEx. Set two sent via the US Postal Service. I am an independent Tupperware Representative. Tupperware Corp. has on file the tracking numbers of both bowl sets as well. FedEx 020207006702523 USPS 9102805213907243624815. Brenda Thornhill sells on EBAY under the name richardb5748. Shop with this person at your own risk! She scammed ME! Yes, she did try to ship the bowls back to me at one point, but due to the post office not entering in my address forward yet, it was sent back to her. What is the problem with sending it out again, especially since I offered to pay her for the shipping? Brenda is questioning the increased amount I have submitted to collections. Any company a person owes money to will increase the amount for late fees, interest, and collection fees. I don't think I should be exempt from that because I work from home. Furthermore, she claims she is using her husband's name of Richard Bailey for her Ebay & Paypal accounts. According to public records, her husband's name is Joseph. Posting this online for all to see is not slander nor an invasion of privacy. It cannot be libel if it is true - and I have the documentation to prove it is true, which is exactly why she cannot file charges. The information I have on her is public information, anyone has access to it.
Update: Brenda is now telling lies about me to the authorities in hopes of turning this around back on to me. She is saying I'm having people call her house & show up there. Those are total lies. She also is saying I was suspended from my job over this, which I was not. I hired an attorney to collect on this debt, and now she's calling that stalking? Last time I checked it was perfectly legal for me to hire a collections attorney to contact her about the debt. I never once have personally called her home. No idea where she is getting this stuff, she's totally crazy.
This woman is totally obsessed with me. She has nothing better to do with her time than to look me up on the web? She's posting for people to look me up online and see all the info I have out there, and obviously she has done so herself. Sounds like stalker behavior to me. Who's the crazy one here? She even sent me an email "anonymously" threatening me and my kids. I was able to track her IP address on the email, even though she tried to stealth it. I am turning over everything to my attorney to press charges against her for stalking, and slander. If you want to email Brenda Thornhill about her crazy lies, her email address is [email protected] and her phone number is (972) 286-8001. She needs to get a life and quit wasting time stalking me online. She's just trying to take the spotlight off herself because she refuses to pay for what she was sent.