Here is some information that the Better Business Bureau has in regards to Peel, Inc. or Brian Dale or or any of the other names he chooses to use.
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BBB Reliability Report for
Peel, Inc.
BBB Rating D+
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BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report.
Find out more about Peel, Inc.:
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BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.
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BBB Rating for Peel, Inc.
Based on BBB files, Peel, Inc. has a BBB Rating of D+.
Reasons for this rating include:
* 1213 complaints filed against business
* Business has failed to resolve underlying cause(s) of a pattern of complaints.
Click here for an explanation of BBB Ratings
Consumer complaints allege undisclosed or unauthorized charges, lack of clearly disclosed shipping and/or membership fees, and deceptive advertising. Consumers further allege receiving multiple orders of merchandise that has not been ordered and/or authorized, and subsequent difficulties obtaining refunds.
Furthermore, many complainants allege purchasing posters from at a particular price, and report having been charged a much higher price and allegedly unknown fees for the transaction.
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Business Contact and Profile for Peel, Inc.
Name: Peel, Inc.
Phone: (847) 424-0954
Fax: (847) 424-0986
Address: 990 Grove St Ste 204
Evanston, IL 60201-6512
Original Business Start Date: August 1998
Principal: Brian Dale, President
Customer Contact: Brian Dale, President - (847) 424-0954
Incorporated: DE
Type of Business: Jewels-Imitation, Advertising/Marketing Agencies, Clubs, Coffee & Tea, Internet Marketing Services, Jewelers-Retail
BBB Accreditation: Peel, Inc. is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names:
Danielle Janine Jewelry
Coffee Roasters Direct, Inc.
Art Print World
Global Coffee Direct
The BBB has requested basic information from this company. The BBB has not received a response. Without this information, the BBB may not have current information concerning such things as the company's management or its nature of business.
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Business Management
Additional company management personnel include:
Jennifer Carani - VP Customer Relations
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Additional Locations and Phone Numbers
Additional Addresses
5603 W Howard St
Niles, IL 60714-4011
Additional Phone Numbers
Tel: (888) 217-2233
Tel: (877) 807-2929
Tel: (888) 624-2877
Tel: (877) 807-2929
Tel: (888) 747-3264
Additional Fax Numbers
Fax: (847) 424-8225
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Customer Complaint History for Peel, Inc.
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.
BBB processed a total of 1213 complaints about Peel, Inc. in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 1213 complaints closed in 36 months, 852 were closed in the last year.
These complaints concerned :
16 regarding Issue Not Defined
94 regarding Advertising Issues
6 - Advertised price not honored
1 - Advertised service not available
3 - Advertised terms not honored
29 - Advertisement did not disclose all conditions required to take advantage of an offer
2 - Advertisement misrepresented a product
7 - Advertisement misrepresented a service
12 - Bait & switch advertisement
3 - False or unsubstantiated claims in advertisement
31 - None of the Above - Advertising Complaint Issue
439 regarding Billing or Collection Issues
19 - Failure to correct billing errors
1 - Failure to provide itemized billing as requested
2 - Failure to substantiate charges
19 - Improper collection practices
88 - None of the Above - Credit, Billing or Collection Complaint Issue
92 - Unauthorized bank debits
218 - Unauthorized credit card charges
18 regarding Contract Issues
1 - Failure to honor a contract or agreement
4 - Invalid or false contract
7 - None of the Above - Contract Complaint Issue
6 - Unauthorized changes to the contract or agreement
18 regarding Customer Service Issues
3 - Failure to provide promised assistance or support for products or services
3 - Failure to respond to phone calls or written requests for assistance or support
12 - None of the Above - Customer Service Complaint Issue
13 regarding Delivery Issues
3 - Delivery of unordered products
6 - Non-delivery of products
4 - None of the Above - Delivery Complaint Issue
2 regarding Guarantee or Warranty Issues
2 - Failure to honor money-back guarantees
3 regarding Product Issues
1 - Defective, damaged, or incorrect product received
2 - None of the Above - Product Quality Complaint Issue
395 regarding Refund or Exchange Issues
207 - Failure to honor promised refunds, exchanges, or credit
63 - Failure to honor refund, exchange or credit policies
125 - None of the Above - Refund or Exchange Complaint Issue
206 regarding Sales Practice Issues
49 - None of the Above - Sales Complaint Issue
46 - Sales presentation did not disclose complete pricing information
25 - Sales presentation did not disclose key conditions of the offer
2 - Sales presentation misrepresented the product
8 - Sales presentation misrepresented the service
8 - Sales presentation not consistent with advertisement
7 - Sales presentation not consistent with the written agreement
61 - Sales presentation used dishonest sales practices
9 regarding Service Issues
5 - None of the Above - Service Complaint Issue
4 - Unauthorized service
These complaints were closed as:
1175 Resolved
577 - Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to BBB.
598 - Company addressed the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to BBB.
38 Administratively Closed
38 - BBB determined the company made a reasonable offer to resolve the issues, but the consumer did not accept the offer.
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Government Actions
BBB has no information regarding government actions at this time.
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Advertising Review
BBB has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
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Industry Tips
As with any business transaction, be sure to read all agreements, guarantees, and instructions before signing. Do not be pressured into signing an agreement before you are ready and you understand all terms and conditions. Make sure all oral promises are put in writing. Be wary of vaguely worded provisions, exclusions or limitations which could pose a problem later. Never sign a contract with sections left blank.
Selecting Jewelry
If you would like to listen to a tip on "Selecting Jewelry" 24 hours a day please call BBB's Tel-Tips line at 312-832-0500 and press 8 + # (the pound key) + 1 and key in tip number 338. BBB has many other Tel-Tips on a wide array of topics please call 24 hours a day to hear the menu of topics.
Magazine Subscriptions
If you would like to listen to a tip on "Magazine Subscriptions" 24 hours a day please call BBB's Tel-Tips line at 312-832-0500 and press 8 + # (the pound key) + 1 and key in tip number 309. BBB has many other Tel-Tips on a wide array of topics please call 24 hours a day to hear the menu of topics.
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BBB Copyright and Reporting Policy
As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.