I should have smelled a rat, when this company did not provide any telephone number or address. The only way to communicate with Bridgeport Bankruptcy was through a rectangular square on their web site. Then, they would reply by sending a message to your e-mail address. They even warned that the e-mail address used in sending their messages to you would not be responded to - that only that rectangular square on web site would receive attention.
Anyway, I did want to file a bankruptcy, but couldn't afford the local attorney fees. So, when I found a number of on-line companies that would handle that bankruptcy for only around $150.00 I decided to go that route. But Bridgeport Bankruptcy really poured it on thick on their web site. Quick service... and all you do is fill in the information of the various formats. They will then convert it into proper legal form and will send you all the legal paperwork - ready for signing and filing with the bankruptcy court. They talked about a 200% guarantee for all the legal forms they sent back to you. They did seem to be a company of integrity.
So, I paid my fee and was going to spend all night Tuesday to fill out the formats. However, after I filled out the personal info section(section no one), I found there was no 'next' button or 'proceed' button to take me to the next section. I even clicked on the listed 'creditors' link on the left side on web page but it seemed to think that I just wanted to review what I had already filled out for creditors. Finally, in frustration, I repeated sought some of the 'hand-holding' that site had promised before I paid my fee. I kept asking how to navigate to the other sections. No response all night. The next day on Wednesday I again kept sending off for the same information.
I finally did get an e-mail chiding me for not getting those formats filled out right away, , , and submitting same. And because I had delayed, I would have to pay a so-called 'extension fee' to proceed. That made me mad enough to spit blood. Their site would not operate, and they would not answer my e-mails on how to proceed. So, now I should pay an additional fee for a problem and negligence they created? Not on your tintype.Besides, no such mention was made in their 'agreement' as to time to complete or as to extra fee. So, now I will have to find a more honest web site... and I will have to spend time suing Bridgeport for the fee they say is not refundable. As a legal assistant I know that one cannot benefit from their own negligence... I don't care what kind of disclaimer you put in an agreement. Oh well, I will file my pleadings and sue them. As a pro se(one capable of handling his own lawsuit) it will only take time and effort(and filing fee). I can assure them they will pay more in defending against my cause of action than what they scam from me. Anyway, I mainly file lawsuits against such weasels - not to win, but to punish them with cost from their own attorney's billing hours.
My advise is to stare clear of these chiselers.