i have selected Prize money of $850000 from British Telecommunication.
and that has been transferred to RBI. could you please tell me is this genuine. please confirm..here is the confirmation from RBI
Kind Attn: Kalyan Kumar;
Welcome to Reserve Bank e-mail services, you are currently in contact with
Online International Remittance Sector {OIRS} of the Reserve Bank of India
Information Secured Link/Department {RBI-ISLD}, (Private Banking Section).
Having received a telex report from our central computer that your newly created
Online Current Account, is dormant and needs to be activated for the immediate transfer of your fund.
Note; approval has been given from the Office of the Executive
Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and your account has been activated.
Note, you are advice to keep your account information secret between yourself and your
Transfer Agent {Hon Barr Johnson Joe} because any third party in possession
of your account information might easily access your online account if he/she can login.
Re-login to your account and scrol down you will see: {attach bank, transfer fund and log-out.}
click on attach bank and fill up your personal banking information correctly as required in the form and click again on transfer
fund to proceed. Then enter the amount you wish to transfer and commence the transfer. contact your delivering agent
if necesary. Congratulations and good luck.