John E.Vincent is the webmaster who supposedly runs this site, discriminates without any explanation, against non-profit making charities, which he 'claims' to support. This website is an utter mess and there are so many errors, there are too many to count. He has/had the village of Nancekuku near Redruth, Cornwall in Suffolk, some distance apart from each other! He states on his application form for new website listings that NO PERSONAL DETAILS will be displayed and yet my full name was splashed in capital letters across several photos I sent to him for our charity listing. I repeatedly and politely asked him to remove my name and he has responded by deleting ALL the details of the charity I volunteer for and 'forbidding' me to send any more information to him.
I'm stunned at his attitude and the false claims he's allowed to make. PLEASE don't support this man's ego.