On August 19, 2010 I was charged an additional amount of $56.37, I was under the impression the charge was to be $2.97. I was charged $57.61 and then $1.73 for "International Transaction Fee."
This is bull crap. The website is www.grants.com. They e-mailed me a user name and password to www.fed-pack.com/kit/categories/117.
I called the number on my bank statement 866-978-9383 on September 25, 2010. The woman I spoke to said the fee of 2.97 was for a 24-hr. trial period and if not cancelled I would be billed $57.61, No where did it say that on the website or in my e-mail!!! And then she said she only had authority to give a $40.00 refund. So they made $16.37 off me. I took the refund and cancelled my "subscription."
Maybe this is how they raise money for the "free" grants. Beware people.