My phone has always been battling with network.
Infact, this issue b/w my phone and MTN network is the type I don't even know the cause of it. And when I try to reach the custommer care, they tell me connection error. And now, am so so displeased, because I've being usuing this line for quite a good number of years now, and a thing like this has never occured before. I'll have phone, & yet go to business center's for my calls, it's crazy! This problem now has lasted for like a month plus, & it's not just fun anymore. Yet it never stopped deducting my credit even when there's a connection error. Infact, I am upset to the peak, cause I even try to reach the customer care on my mobile, yet it was impossible. Please, my phone number is 08064098572, and my phone is E66 - 1, RM - 343 Type, Nokia. Kindly help me to fix this, cause I have waited patiently, more than enough.
Thank's for helping me out, & God bless you.