Robin Schulder tried to pass herself off as someone else to make her sound good! Keep trying scammer...
Robin is the biggest liar I've ever come across. She has been pretending to be others on these postings in order to put good comments on about herself.
I caught her in an email she sent to me pretending to be LISA. As she is the only one with spacing problems in every email she has sent me. Also, every one of the emails that I've gotten from "happy" puppy clients, have all used AOL and used the exact same picture for their sign on.
If you don't believe what I'm saying - look up a posting from DARRON, look how she puts a space before all exclaimation marks - always two of them then a space after them. like this !! see what I mean. Then look at a posting on 10 -2 from a LISA. Same exact spacing. We all know that it is you ROBIN.
This "LISA" told me to make peace with this. I will make peace ROBIN-LISA when you don't sell deformed and sick creatures you call PUREBRED.
HHMMMMM, speaking of Darron - now isn't that funny, you have an email address you use for your Teacup Yorkies at
[email protected] - again AOL.... Then
[email protected] - again AOL..... Then you also have
[email protected] and
[email protected]
Does everyone out there realize she is now selling Red Nose Pitbull's... She claims that they are all bred in her loving home, as well as Yorkies and Bulldogs. Tell me how one home can have that many adult animals for breeding. LIES LIES LIES
I also love how she claims they are all "wee wee pad" trained. Stuffing a puppy in a cage with a pee pad, is not trained - they have no choice but to go there.
We all are together now Robin, all the people you've screwed over. All the bulldogs owners and Yorkie owners. We found each other and we will put an end to your animal cruelty.