The comercel tha Burger King has on the Air advertising their 99Cent kid meal is total wrong who are the trying to sell the Kids meal s to Adults. The way of advertising is teaching our kids that its ok to but their hands on a woman Butt and its ok to go around advertising the perferance to how a woman looks I don' know what The marketing people at Burger King with they thought this kind of advertising was approperate for its consumers. Then they use Sponge Bob as part of it When you first see the commercal its all about the big butts the King likes and its a long commercel and then a berif showing of the BK meal at the end. What were they thinking when they came up with this idea for a kids meal? I think the commercal should be taken off the air and rethought about befor they come up with something like this again I am appaled by this i have grand kids and that ad on TV make the KING look like a pervertnot to mention a few other things it was bad enough that they had women wanting to kill him with their cars now Hes a pervert. Not somebody i would want my grand kids to look up to a man that puts his hands on a woman butt you guys should be a shamed of your self i hope that this gets to the right person and Burger King is told to put a stop to this kind of advertising You don't see McDonalds, Wendy', or Jack In The Box stooping to these levels to get customer and i think Burger KIng shouldn't either
Glenda Dehart
Corvallis Or