Sheila George
April 23, 2009
Awful Commercial
The "King" commercial with the "square pants" dancing and reference to "bootie" is appaling. We will not let our granddaugher watch the commercial no will we take her to burger king for her "special meals". We will do business with McDonalds.
April 16, 2009
Sponge Bob - Burger King COmmercial
The new commercial with the "King" and girls with stuffed squares is offensive. But the remark about bootie is bootie is over the top disgusting. I do not want to hear toddlers mimicing that remark.
Neither should Burger King. We will never eat there ever again!
July 31, 2008
Daddy Burger son kicking him
My Complaint is Why would you ever put a commercial
on the air with your apple fries and have a son come in and kick the Burger Father .You are not helping american family by showing more bad manners. Their are enough
kids like that Already with out a trusted company showing them how SHAME ON YOU BURGER KING GET IT OFF THE AIR A grandma in Copperas Cove Texas
November 23, 2007
Commercial content Bad for kids
I believe that the new commercials that contain the idea to 'off the king' are awful. They convey to children that it is ok to commit violent acts which is bad enough but on this commercial it is for a trivial reason. They are just children and they can't always decide what is supposed to be just a funny commercial. We can choose what we have our children watch but we cannot choose what kind of commercials pop up while they are watching TV. I believe they need to be stopped immediately since we cannot control that part of TV viewing for our kids.
January 23, 2007
Very offensive commercial against women!
The commercial for this item on the menu is very offensive to women. As a female i feel as though it is not fair to say that by eating this burger it will make you more of a man. I get the impression that it is saying that only a man could possibly eat this burger.Well I can challenge that theory, I can eat the whole burger plus a medium drink and fries. Also this commercial makes the assumption that all women eat small servings of basically nothing, which is not true. Women can do just about everything men can do.