I'm working with my Daughter to file a complaint based on the information given. At this time my Daughter is working at the Burger King located at 3500 Poole Road Raleigh, NC 27610.
My Daughter called me today 10/05/09 to give me the information on what was said by her Manager.
1. Was ask by her Manager if she was Slow & Dumb.
2. Was told by the Manager, that's he didn't like hiring Blacks.
3. My Daughter asked for a work schedule, and was told by her Manager he did not have to give her a Schedule, and at the present time she's working without a Schedule.
4. My Daughter was told by her Manager she was not special, and that she would have to call daily to see when she's scheduled to work.
5.At the present time the Manager is calling my Daughter out by using words, Home Girl do this and my Daughter has requested for the Manager to call her by her Birth given name. My Daughter started working August 28, 2009
and at this time still having problem with the Manager.
The Manager at this location is Mr. Andrew Moses.
My Name is : Jeffery Simmons (Father)
My Daughter: Tureka Chapman
My Work # 919 575 1220 / E Mail Address:
[email protected]
Retired Military( US Navy) Background in Food Service.
Mailing Address: North Carolina Department Of Human Service, Murdoch Developmental Center Butner P.O. Box 3000 East C Street, NC 27509.
At this time my Daughter is asking to met with the District Manager in this area or Lead Person in Charge. she would like for me, her Father to be present if and when a meeting is scheduled.
Thank you In advance.