April 27, 2009
Awful everything
My wife and I bought an "Angel Bed" thinking that we could save some money and have the same bed as "Temper-pedic" makes. This could not have been farther from the truth. When we ordered the bed everything went very smooth. The salesperson was nice and helpful. We were told the bed would take about 3 weeks to be delivered and that the bed we had ordered would have to be made and then shipped to us. This sounded fair to my wife and I so we completed the order. I scheduled my business trip to Mexico to correspond with the delivery of the bed. 3 weeks came and no bed. I called and was told it would be a week longer so I rescheduled my trip and waited. On the new delivery date I called again and was told it was delayed another week so I rescheduled my trip again. When the delivery date arrived I called again and was told that it would be another week and that it was the delivery companies fault. This did not set well with me. After Angel Beds gave me the number to the trucking company responsible for delivering the bed and told me to work it out with them. Angel Beds calmly removed themselves from the shipping fiasco and told me to handle the problem. The woman at the delivery company told me that my wife and I lived in a "Rural area" and it was hard to deliver to these places. We live in the Midland/Odessa area with a population of 250, 000. GW Bush is from here and landed Airforce 1 here several times at our airport. How "RURAL" could we be? The bed arrived even another week later while I was in Mexico. When I returned home I went to see the "GRANDEUR" bed from Angel Beds. It had a huge bulge on the left side of the bed. I showed my wife the defect and she felt bad about accepting the bed in this condition. We called Angel Beds and explained that the bed was deformed and my wife did not notice it when the bed arrived. I took pictures of the bed and sent them to the customer support agent. She said she couldn't see the defect in the photos. The defect in the photos was as obvious as a full grown tiger in your bathroom. I complained about this some more and then spoke with another customer support agent. She told me it was the cover on the mattress. She then instructed me to remove the cover to see if the foam had shifted and to refit the cover on the mattress. This did not go well. I think it made the bulge worse. The cover had wrinkles in it now and the bed was lumpy. The owner of the company called and requested more pictures, so I sent them and he said he would replace the bed. We began our wait for the second bed. The wait time for the second bed was a little less time than the first bed. I think it arrived about 10 days sooner than the first bed. I was not at home again when the bed arrived but my wife watched the movers remove the bed from the truck this time and inspected the bed. She found a large pointed piece of wood had punctured the bed. The bed was damaged so she did not accept the bed. I called Angel Beds and was told that they would have my bed replaced in 1 week with a new bed. How is this possible? It took 7 weeks to get the first bed then 6 weeks to get the second bed. I told Angel Beds NOT to ship the 3rd bed until I returned home and spoke with my wife. At this point we wanted to re-evaluate our bedding situation. I arrived home about 3 days later and inspected the 1st bed that was still in our home. The bulge had enlarged by 50% and the mattress had indentations were my wife and I sleep. She weighs 160 and I weigh 260. This should not have been a problem but the indentations were to deep not to notice. The mattress looked like an old man in a baggy suit. The cover on the bed looked like it was slopped together without care of quality or appearance. We called Angel Beds and told them that our 90 night trail was over and that they could come get their bed. We were totally dissatisfied about every aspect of the purchase we made from Angel Beds. We waited 3 weeks more weeks during which we had to call Angel Beds repeatedly to get them to come and pick up their bed. We thought they were going to try and stick us with the bed somehow. Our "Tempur-pedic" bed showed up 2 days before they picked up the bed. We are still waiting for Angel Beds to clear our account. They are still sending bills for the bed. Angel Beds told me that when they receive the bed they will credit and cancel my account. I told them that their trucking company picked the bed up and that it was in their possession. I guess Angel Beds expects me to accept responsibility for the bed until it gets back to them. So it is still going on as I type this complaint.