<b>Lisa Saline</b> of the company True Internet Solutions LLC passes herself off as a "Champion Marketing" expert.
I guess that's a matter of opinion. Hers.
I read so many things about business building and networking, social media, and internet solutions related to her company. What I found after wasting a lot of time, however, was that her "business" doesn't appear to be much more than a fledgling attempt at becoming a get-rich-quick network marketing junkie.
While True Internet Solutions, LLC appears to be some kind of search engine and business website marketing enterprise at first glance, a little review reveals that it is more of a front for an MLM health and nutrition company. All of the business building and networking hype leads back to recruiting and getting people into her heap of pyramid partners.
She knows "party line" dialogue for smooth talking people into her gig, but when it comes down to actual performance and success, her level of "champion marketing" is far from what you might be led to believe.
Buyer beware if you're led to the slippery slope of following this amateur's advice. Before you put the marketing success of your business in her hands (or in other words, the hands of True Internet Solutions), verify all references, ask for a guarantee, get it in writing, and be sure to confirm everything twice. Even then, buyer beware.