"Owner of website sold Adobe Photoshop CS4 software package off of craigslist for $130. After loading software and contacting Adobe found the serial number not registered with Adobe…this software package turned out to be a 30 day trial version. Brooke would not refund the money or even look at the software to verify she had sold phony copy of the product. Found out she runs Buybrooke.com web site and sells a $499 dollar version of the software on her site. Obviously she knew something was wrong with this software because she discounted it from her website price.
Update: After contacting her, sending software to Adobe and writing several bad reviews she took all the computer software she was selling off her site. She now responds to my reviews as though she doesn’t know who is writing the reviews and acts like she never sold software off her site. In fact here is the add/link before it was removed:
Adobe Photoshop Extended CS4 WindowsProduct Features Paint directly on 3D models, wrap 2D images around 3D shapes, convert gradient maps to 3D objects, add depth to layers and text, ...