They call and tell you that they can save you money on you credit interest rates, even guarantee you that you will save $2500 or your money back. The problem is in their wording the say they will "show" you a savings, the way they show you that is by sending you a report telling you to continue paying the same amount consistently as you are now for the next 5 years and you will pay off your bills in 5 years versus 30 years. In my opinion anyone can tell that if they do that instead of dropping the payment as your balance drops you will pay off your debts early. When you call them (which they do not mention in the original conversation or that their hours match most peoples work hours) to be there when they do the negotiations they will tell you that you did not pay for negotiations just for that little computer generated report, and the negotiations are more less a favor they are doing for you.
If you could please post this on every web site possible it could save people their hard earned money. $695.00