This company hires people claiming to be "psychics", "mediums", "channelers", etc. Their primary goal is to keep a customer on the phone as long as possible to collect their money and ultimately, be promoted to the next higher price per minute rate. Some of these "psychics" keep notes and reference them by asking your name and birth date again when you call back, some will even ask you to call back within a week while they "pray" about your matter. Three quarters of this company's psychics are flat out frauds. If you take the time to read a lot of their "Testimonials" you'll figure out that a good part of the testimonials are their own employees that answer the phone when you call in with a question or a recommendation or to schedule a call back.
It's truly sad how they're allowed to play with people's emotions when they're down and out only to take their money while laughing all the way to the bank. There really should be a serious investigation of this business who claims it's for entertainment purposes only. I sincerely hope that this complaint will be looked into.
Thank you.