California State Bar

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California State Bar Reviews

mkmalls12 August 5, 2013
input this URL: ( ) you can find many cheap and high stuff Believe you will love it. WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARD /WESTERN UNION PAYMENT YOU MUST NOT MISS IT!!!
microdot June 11, 2013
attorney Michael Wilkins in Irvine , Ca,
Bad tempered, out of court, doesn't return messages or phone calls sometimes, generally talks down to client, we can give him only one star in the end.
microdot June 11, 2013
Arthur J. La Cilento Attorney in Fullerton, Ca
Overloaded with cases, no rapport with clients, would not recommend to my enemy.
microdot June 11, 2013
Arthur J. La Cilento Attorney in Fullerton, Ca
Has too many cases for this attorney to handle, he has overloaded himself, poor attorney - client rapport. Would not recommend to my enemy.
Fighting the Good Fight February 9, 2011
CA State Bar’s Towery Is Next In Line to Perpetuate the Myth That the CA State Bar is Investigating & Disciplining Atty Loan Mod Fraud
CA State Bar’s Towery Is Next In Line to Perpetuate the Myth That the CA State Bar is Investigating & Disciplining Atty Loan Mod Fraud

Repeat after me: “The California State Bar is responsible for the victimization of 100s of thousands of California consumers in foreclosure that were defrauded by its attorney members.”

Instead of opening up the State Bar’s Client Security Fund (which was set up specifically to make restitution to consumers harmed by its attorney members), the California State Bar continues to string people along with erroneous tales of heroic feats of compassion for those consumers.

The goal??? The California State Bar hopes that all these folks will simply give up and go away. Not on my watch. Everyday the plot thickens with information thrown my way that corroborates the above facts and makes me more determined to see this through.

To find out more information about the Client Security Fund, see:

Could someone at the State Bar tell me why this information is not included on the Public Services page (see:]

In order to find this information, you have to click on “File a complaint against an attorney”: then click on “Client Security Fund.” But how would the average joe know what the Client Security Fund is? They wouldn’t and that’s the whole point.
A year ago, I offered my assistance to the California State Bar and Robert Hawley (the self-appointed spokesperson of the State Bar’s Board of Governors) basically told me to pound sand.


Prior to that I pled with Holly Fujie & Scott Drexel to no avail. Ms. Fujie even wrote me an email stating that she and Drexel were very well aware of the fraud that The State Bar’s attorneys were committing. That was two years ago and nothing has happened yet. Then Drexel was fired and Russell Weiner became Interim Chief Trial Counsel.

Then Howard Miller became President and Russell Weiner was famously quoted as saying how grateful he was that the California State Bar “caught the misconduct of its attorneys in time to save consumers from harm.”

And now it’s Chief Trial Counsel James Towery’s turn to perpetuate the myth that the California State Bar cares and is doing everything in its power to remedy the insolence and criminal conduct of its attorney members.

Here is the headline news story on the Cal Bar Journal. [Please note that our comments are in brackets.]

No let-up in loan modification complaints
By Nancy McCarthy

Staff Writer

Despite extensive efforts over the past two years to rein in improper loan modification activities by some lawyers, including legislation and aggressive prosecution by the State Bar and the attorney general, complaints from clients continue unabated.

[That's because your opening statement is a complete lie. Something can only be "abated" if action is taken.]

Chief Trial Counsel James Towery, who took over as the bar’s head prosecutor in August, said one-third of his office workload is devoted to loan modification complaints; 1, 500 investigations of 400 attorneys currently are active. Twenty have either resigned or been disbarred.

[Could we please have a list of the 400 attorneys that are being investigated so we can warn folks to stay clear? The statistic says "1, 500 investigations of 400 attorneys." So, on average the 400 attorneys being "investigated" have had 3.75 complaints against them. Isn't almost 4 complaints each sufficient to identify these attorneys as a precaution to prospective clients?]

“We’ve made tremendous strides but we haven’t stemmed the tide, ” Towery said. “The foreclosure crisis is so significant in California, and regrettably it has been an opportunity for a small number of attorneys to take advantage of people and try to get rich quick.”

[Wait a minute, didn’t you just say 400 attorneys are presently being investigated? Do you consider that a “small number of attorneys”? I know that there are 200, 000 members of the California State Bar and 400 probably seems like a drop in the bucket to you. But these are 400 attorneys specifically offering loan modification services. If you really want to help safeguard consumers in foreclosure, print their names.]

The foreclosure complaints are largely responsible for a 50 percent or more increase in the discipline unit’s work between 2008-2010, he said. Historically the office handles about 1, 500 investigations at a time. That number rose to 2, 500 in 2009, to 3, 500 last year and currently stands at 3, 200. “It’s been challenging for everyone, ” Towery said. “It’s like being in a district attorney’s office in the midst of a crime wave.”

[Considering the fact that the California State Bar is the largest self-regulating body, I would say that the number of complaints are increasing because the original complaints beginning in 2008 were never handled in the first place. Why do you mention the District Attorney? What does the DA have to do with the California State Bar investigation and discipline system?]

Despite the larger number of complaints and a steady number of calls — 6, 500 per month — to the department’s intake number, Towery said the discipline unit has made impressive inroads to its backlog numbers. The investigative backlog — cases older than six months — dropped from 911 in July 2010 to the current 390.

[Wait a minute, if you've received 6, 500 calls per month, why are there only 400 attorneys being investigated? What happened to the other 6, 100 complaints? We presume that there is overlap but even then, above you state that there are 1500 complaints about 400 attorneys. The numbers just don't add up.]

The number of cases in which the investigation is complete but notices have not been drafted declined from 1, 400 a year ago to 1, 163 last month.

[I want to make sure I have this straight: "The investigation is complete but notices have not been drafted." What the hell does that mean? Is that a statistic you are proud of? So, last year, you completed 1, 400 investigations but failed to draft notices on these investigations. But this year, you're doing so much better -- you've completed 1, 163 investigations but failed to draft a notice on these as well?]

And between 2007 and 2010, the number of cases resolved through warning letters, stipulations, closure or filing of charges doubled from 902 to 1987.

[I, for one, would like to see copies of the "warning letters, stipulations, closures or filing of charges" in 1, 987 investigations. The California State Bar is a public entity and there is nothing stopping me from filing a Public Records Act Request demanding this information. But why don't you save yourself the embarassment, and just print it on your website?]

In other words, Towery said, his office’s productivity increased by 75 percent between 2009 and 2010.

[For the love of Jesus, how do you figure that? See above.]

Towery took the top disciplinary job after 33 years in private practice, where he specialized in civil litigation with a focus on professional liability.

He served as State Bar president in 1995-96 after a year as chair of the board of governors discipline committee, overseeing implementation of recommendations to improve the efficiency of the discipline system.

["Overseeing implementation of recommendations to improve efficiency of the discipline system." I would love to see those recommendations and how James Towery implemented those recommendations. Because from where I sit California attorneys are running amok with no regulation whatsoever.]

His long interest in legal ethics issues led to the new job, which he described as the “best discipline job” in the country.

The large number of lawyers committing misconduct while handling foreclosure matters led to passage in October 2009 of SB 94, which prohibits attorneys from taking advance fees for work on loan modifications.

Although the statute was expected to curb abuses, many lawyers have either ignored the new law or tried to find ways to get around it, Towery said. “There is an irresistible impulse for a small group to take advantage of the plight of people in crisis, ” he said.

[James, there you go again with the "small group" reference: There is an irresistible impulse for a small group to take advantage of the plight of people in crisis. Of people ... do you mean of attorneys licensed and supposedly regulated by the California State Bar?]

Most of the misconduct involves charging clients small sums, offering promises of loan modifications and then doing little or no work. Some California lawyers also operate in other states where they are not licensed.

[You know what, now I'm getting really mad. The "small sums" might be small to you, James, but to these consumers in foreclosure $3, 500-$4, 500 was all they had left! You pompous son of a bitch. And not, some attorneys operated in states where they were not licensed, they all did.]

The discipline office is now receiving complaints from homeowners who may have hired a lawyer prior to the passage of SB 94 but are just now losing their homes. The investigations are complex, often involving multiple clients, many of them non-English speaking, and often involving subpoenas of bank records. “Twenty is not going to be the final number” who lose their law license, Towery said.

The discipline office also is receiving complaints about a somewhat newer scam: debt consolidation. Clients facing large debt pay their lawyer a certain amount of money every month believing the lawyer will pay down the debt. In fact, however, the lawyer simply takes the money.

[Wow, imagine that … I reported that on December 30, 2010: “Debt Relief Scams Have Taken Over Where Loan Mod Scams Left Off” (]

In addition to the ongoing loan modification complaints, Towery said the discipline office is focusing on three other areas: major misappropriation by lawyers of client funds; responding to the report of the Northern California Innocence Project (NCIP) that found what it said was widespread failure to pursue prosecutorial misconduct; and creating initiatives to divert low-level misconduct.

[Like Michael Ramos, Laura Robles. Melinda Spencer, Jonathan Robbins, and William Gale in the San Bernardino County DA's office?]

• The bar is trying to identify lawyers who take client funds early and fast-track their cases. Towery estimated between 30 and 40 lawyers meet the initial criteria of stealing at least $25, 000 from clients, and his office also will investigate lawyers who take less but have a prior history of misappropriation. Small teams of lawyers and investigators are working on major misappropriation cases in both Los Angeles and San Francisco and will act quickly to go to court to restrict a lawyer’s license if he or she poses a “substantial threat of harm” to the public.

[If an attorney poses a substantial threat of harm to the public don't you owe a duty to warn the public?]

Towery described major misappropriation matters as a “classic case” of a small number of lawyers causing a disproportionate number of problems. While the vast majority of lawyers are fundamentally honest, he said, “a tiny percentage has crossed that boundary line” and dipped into their client trust accounts. Towery said 42 percent of the claims paid by the Client Security Fund to victims of lawyer dishonesty are the result of major misappropriation and ratcheting up prosecution of these offenders will enhance public protection.

[If I hear the words "small number" again ... and that comment, "a tiny percentage have crossed the line..."]

[Hallelujah!! Towery states that 42% of the claims paid by the Client Security Fund to victims of lawyer dishonesty ... please let us know about the entire 100% because I am at a loss to identify even one client that has been paid one cent.]

The Nevada State Bar printed its Client Security Fund payments by attorney (including JAMES PARSA) - so why won't you?] See:

• Towery’s office is analyzing approximately 130 cases the innocence project said were reversed because of prosecutorial misconduct. The office will not look at the matters identified by the report as harmless (not resulting in a reversal) because of the bar’s “clear and convincing” burden of proof. Towery suspects that bar prosecutors did not know about many of the reversals, either because the case was not reported, as required, or did not meet the criteria for notifying the bar. To improve the requisite reporting, his office sent 1, 900 letters to judges and is stepping up contacts with district attorneys’ offices to educate them about reporting requirements.

Towery said the bar is not looking at misconduct that occurred more than 10 years ago. Some of the more recent cases involved prosecutors who have died or were not licensed in California, some are now judges and others are misidentified. None of those can be prosecuted. A small number will meet the bar’s criteria for prosecution, he said. “Our approach is very simple — we treat prosecutors in an even-handed fashion.”

• Towery is creating an alternative diversion program for low-level misconduct matters, such as first-time DUIs. Lawyers with no previous record but minor complaints may receive a warning letter or have charges dismissed. “We hope it’ll be a learning experience for them, ” Towery said.

The Alternative Discipline Program, created for lawyers with mental health or substance abuse problems, “is problematic and we continue to closely examine it, ” [Yah, right.]Towery said. His office will adhere to an informal three-strikes rule, and lawyers who return to the discipline system “will no longer get the benefit of the doubt. The folks with prior records are going to be our focus.”
Fighting the Good Fight February 9, 2011
Consumer Alert! Did You Seek Help From the California State Bar for Loan Mod Fraud and Get the Ultimate Run Around?
Consumer Alert! Did You Seek Help From the California State Bar for Loan Mod Fraud and Get the Ultimate Run Around?
The Chief Trial Counsel’s office is the disciplinary arm of the State Bar of California. It is a consumer protection agency and is statutorily mandated to investigate complaints. When it fails to do so, anyone can file what is called a “Writ of Mandate.”

A writ of mandate is an order to a public agency or governmental body to perform an act required by law when it has neglected or refused to do so. It is also referred to as a writ of mandamus. A person may also petition for a writ of mandamus when an official has refused to fulfill a legal obligation, such as ordering an agency to enforce its rules or release public records.

If you are a consumer that filed a complaint with the California State Bar with regard to loan modification fraud and was unsuccessful in securing adequate compensation for your damages – or – if you applied for reimbursement from the California State Bar’s Client Security Fund and was rejected or otherwise ignored, please send me your story to [email protected].

I am very well aware that this problem is not limited only to loan modification fraud. In short form, I will be expanding the Writ to include other significant issues so that everyone has a voice. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact me with other complaints submitted to the California State Bar in other areas of the law.

A year and a half ago, on June 14, 2009, I posted an announcement on my first blog, Bad Biz Finder, that I intended to write a Writ of Mandate against the California State Bar on behalf of California consumers seeking restitution for monetary damages suffered as the result of retaining California attorneys for loan modification services.

What followed was and is a horrendous attempt by the California State Bar (and its protected attorneys, judges, law enforcement, employees, and other California state agencies) to squash the life out of me, beginning only two days after the article was published on June 16, 2009, when UDR illegally evicted me from my apartment, leaving me homeless, then three days later, on June 19, 2009, confiscated everything I owned and sold it to James Parsa to use as evidence against me. (See: specifically pages 16-24 of the Memorandum of Points & Authorities in the link “Motion – Part I” that states for the record the chronology of events since January 2009).

At that time, I named a group of attorneys (set forth below) for whom I had documented proof of violations of the law, namely the California Foreclosure Consultants Act (California Civil Code section 2945-2945.11) as well as violations of the Business & Professions Code and California State Bar Professional Rules of Conduct.

In that blog article, I called for a showing of California consumers who had been harmed by these attorneys and asked whether they would like to be named as a beneficiary of any award granted as a result of this lawsuit. I also informed the prospective respondents that their name would not appear on the Writ of Mandate, that they would not be required to file responsive pleadings, or go to court unless they chose to do so.

Further, I explained that the lawsuit was being brought against the California State Bar on behalf of clients harmed by its member attorneys due to the State Bar’s lack of enforcement of its rules written to protect consumers against attorney misconduct as well as the implementation of proper disciplinary action upon notification of the misconduct.

The California State Bar’s primary vehicle set up to protect consumers was and still is its Chief Trial Counsel’s office and its Client Security Fund. Every year each licensed attorney pays a certain amount into this fund and the fund grows and serves as a pool of money to reimburse clients for attorney misconduct.

So, it would stand to reason that if the California State Bar decides to discipline, suspend or disbar an attorney for misconduct, that the clients of that attorney have a right to collect monetary damages under the Client Security Fund, right? Not so fast.

Can you even imagine the liability of the California State Bar to open the door to all clients of its attorney members that defrauded consumers in foreclosure? Not to mention, the actions that would be brought directly against the State Bar for negligence and failure to remove the offending attorneys. The California State Bar would be finished, it would cease to exist, it would no longer be able to protect criminal activity by and amongst its members or by and amongst California State Bar officials.

As a practical example, let’s take a look at ex-loan modification scam attorney, James Mazi Parsa. Parsa was suspended from the practice of law by the California State Bar on August 31, 2009 for crimes involving moral turpitude stemming from Parsa’s statutory rape convictions in 2000. On October 16, 2009, Parsa voluntarily surrendered his license (with charges pending). Please note that the California State Bar did not suspend Parsa for any other reason that crimes involving moral turpitude.

During the same period of time Parsa was also being investigated by the California Attorney General’s office for illegal advertising and solicitation and running a ”law firm” with no lawyers. When Parsa surrendered his license, the Attorney General’s office dropped its investigation of Parsa because as far as they were concerned, he was no longer a threat to consumers.

When victims of James Parsa went to file an application for relief from the California State Bar Client Security Fund for loan modification fraud, the claims were rejected. Why? Because the State Bar didn’t suspend Parsa for loan modification fraud, they suspended him for crimes involving moral turpitude. When victims attempted to point to the California Attorney General’s office investigation for back-up, all that was left was a terminated investigation without a showing of misconduct on the part of James Parsa.

Now what? All those consumers were left with no recourse. And James Parsa keeps their money and can re-apply for admission to the California State Bar in two years which is coming up in eight months, October 16, 2011.

That’s just ONE example, folks. There are hundreds of examples just like that one. That is why I am re-opening my announcement to consumers who have been defrauded by the following list of attorneys arranged in alphabetical order. Please note, the attorneys with ”By Association” next to their name, are joined into the lawsuit by way of direct association, knowledge of, and participation in the fraud perpetrated by an attorney listed.


Pernell B. Agdeppa

Griswold & Agdeppa


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Alton Burkhalter (By Association) (Spearheaded 3 vexatious, malicious and unconstitutional defamation actions against me in six months)

Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George, LLP


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jeffrey A. Cancilla (Sued me for defamation, joining Parsa Law Group and UDR, Inc., then voluntarily dismissed the charges against me)

Solution Law Group / Solution Processing LLC


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nicholas Chavarela

America’s Law Group


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Brian J. Colombana (Suspended, disbarred and fled to Equador)

Mortgage Relief Law Center


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Joseph D’Agostino (By Association)

Orange County District Attorney


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Steven L. Dickinson (Suspended from the practice of law 3 times since 2001, still active)

Dickinson & Associates


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Christian M. Dillon (Suspended from the practice of law in August of 2009)

Law Offices of Christian M. Dillon


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Scott J. Drexel (By Association) (Fired from the State Bar and replaced by Russell Weiner)

Former Chief Trial Counsel of the California State Bar


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Steven C. Feldman (Still active but has an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau)

Feldman Law Center / Federal Loan Modification Center


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nathan W. Fransen

Fransen & Molinaro LLP


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Holly Fujie (By Association) (Left the State Bar in disgrace after trying to blame Scott Drexel.)

Buchalter Nemer


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eric Goodman (By Association) (Spearheaded 3 vexatious, malicious and unconstitutional defamation actions against me in six months)

Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George, LLP


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Julia Leah Greenfield (Previously James Parsa’s attorney of record, now pretends to have disdain for him.)

Greenfield Law Offices


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

James E. Griswold

Griswold & Agdeppa


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Elizabeth A. Henderson (By Association)

Orange County Assistant District Attorney – Major Fraud Unit


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Daniel J. Kessler (By Association) (Spearheaded 3 vexatious, malicious and unconstitutional defamation actions against me in six months)

Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George, LLP


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Michael M. Kessler

Law Offices of Michael M. Kessler


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Steven K. Kop

New Dawn Law / Law Offices of Steve K. Kop


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

John Latini

Attorney at Law


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Leland L. Moglen

M3 Legal Services / Mend My Mortgage


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Paul Molinaro

Fransen & Molinaro, LLP


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Maryam Parman (Wants me dead; see:

The Parman Law Group


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mitra Parman (Wants me dead; see:

The Parman Law Group


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

James M. Parsa (Suspended from the practice of law on August 31, 2009)

Parsa Law Group/National Loan Modification Center


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Warren W. Quann

Law Offices of Warren W. Quann


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ronald P. Rodis (Suspended from the practice of law on October 15, 2009)

Rodis Law Group


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Maryam Rohani (By Association) (Spearheaded 3 vexatious, malicious and unconstitutional defamation actions against me in six months)

Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George, LLP


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Roya Rohani (Suspended from the practice of law in May of 2006 for stealing client’s money, still active.)

Parsa Law Group


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sean Alan Rutledge (Suspended from the practice of law on November 9, 2009)

United Law Group


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Robert G. Scurrah

Consumer Debt Advocates


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Richard G. Stinstrom (Suspended from the practice of law on June 20, 2010)

United Law Group


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marc R. Tow

Marc R. Tow & Associates


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Michael G. Yoder (By Association)

O’Melveny & Myers


Since June 14, 2009, this list has grown five times over. All you have to do to join this mission is send an email to [email protected] and give me your name and the name of the attorney you retained who failed to provide loan modification services as promised. That’s it. If you care to share with me any attempts you have made to contact the California State Bar or apply for restitution via its Client Security Fund, that would be helpful.

Erin Baldwin

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