February 14, 2009
Employee abuse
Someone really should do an intense investigation of this company. I have never seen a company that does everything within it's power to make life as miserable as they can for their employees. I know that no company or organization is perfect but West corporation is down right demoralizing. They play mind games with their employees when they have overextended themselves with too many applicants; and lets face it right now with the economy being in the sad state its in, they are bombarded with unsuspecting applicants on a daily basis. This company is a 3rd party call center for various commercial organizations like at&t, Comcast, Direct TV and other companies that choose to outsource some of their customer service. It would be an ideal job if they company wasn't run like a prison. The management is extremely unprofessional and they pick and choose who is going to be treated fairly. They constantly make up rules as they go along, and this isn't just done to the employees its also done to the customers as well. I have heard some appauling things in my day but when you are told to make something up if a customer asked too hard of a question like " why can't I get a refund" something is very wrong with this approach to "customer service". On top of that there is more unethical pratices than this box could even hold. I would suggest someone from the federal government to come in under cover and observe for themselves the sweatshop like environment they have people working in. They are squeezed together like sardines in a stinking can. They cannot even have their own headsets, they are forced to put on a headset that someone else just had on talked into with salivia flying into the mics and all. They do not even periodically shampoo the carpet in that place, it feels like a seispool inside the building, you always feel as though something is crawling on your skin when your inside there. I do not recommend anyone work there; shoveling manure would be an improvement outside of working for West corporation and consumers would definitely be better off if they did not exist.