I began living at Camden College Park in early January 2010. Since then, the fire alarm has been pulled countless time at 0300/0400 in the morning. There have been 60 reported car break-ins within the past 12 months, which is verifiable through the records department at District one (1) in Prince Georges County. I m unsure of the amount of home break-in but Camden has sent out an email notice to residents alerting them to this. They however never provided any information in regards to vehicle thefts. When trying to rent here, they will allure you with the gated community feel. I can tell you that it s a false sense of security. First off, it s easy to follow someone in through the gated garage door, as it happens daily. If you don't believe me, and you re considering renting here, just sit back and watch at your leisure. The loading dock doors on the first floor have been pried open and are easy to just yank open. This was brought to the attention of the leasing office but still remains unsecure. The security cameras are only activated via motion As in vehicle motion. A person walking slowly won t set the cameras to record. There are no security cameras near the loading dock or down any of the halls to provide protection. Now I could continue on and on about the security issues, but just contact district one, or district six and speak with a Prince George s officer and they will tell you the facts. Actually, there are PG County police officers who live in the community, and they will also verify everything that I have said.
Now let's discuss everything else. Dog Poop and Dog Pee everywhere. Camden does an excellent job of providing trash stations for your dogs poop, yet I see owners walking their dogs and letting them free poop on the grass. In fact, once while I was picking up my dog's feces, I stepped in someone else s dog s dodo. Now Camden responded with an email saying that people will be fined $75.00 for not picking up after their dog. Once again, if you re considering renting, walk along the grass on the sides of the building facing IKEA and see for yourself. How about the noise! Now the Camden leasing office will go out of their way to tell you that they don't rent to college kids. Enjoy the surprise when you rent. Six college kids splitting the rent and the smell of marijuana as you pass their apartment.
In conclusion, thankfully my lease is almost up and I will be moving as far away from this place as possible. Good news for you if you don' t listen to my advice and want a studio. In the end, don't say I didn't warn you. Enjoy!
Read more: http://www.apartmentratings.com/rate/MD-College-Park-Camden-College-Park-1181464.html#ixzz18KMOdubJ