I purchased a can of Campbell's Chunky brand Chicken & Corn Chowder on 12/4/06. Actualy, I had purchsed 6 cans of their soup in 3 varieties.
Opened the can and microwaved it and split it with my daughter. While my daughter was eating the soup she spotted something on her spoon. She wasked me what it was and I said probably a stem of some sort and took it off her spoon. I then looked at at closely and saw it was a WORM! The insect looked like a maggot and was about 3/4 " long and fully intact. I called Campbell's 800# on the can and they took all the info from the can and my contact info and said they would send a reimbursement check ($1.85?). I returned all of the remaining Chunky soups to the store and I WILL NOT be buying their product ever again as obviously they have bad quality control. This experience was so traumatizing that I can't fathom eating a canned product of any kind ever. The customer service rep sounded like she gets these calls all the time which is truly disgusting. I purchased these products because my son plays pop warner football and always admired the commercials with all of the pro-football players and their moms. He has been asking me for Chunky soup for months and for this to happen is disheartening. I am sorry but there is no excuse for an full insect to be in a can of soup. I feel as though all kinds of insects could be in their products just not detected.