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Saudi Arabia

camry Reviews

Mohammed March 16, 2009
I have not been able to get any resolution from M/S Toyota in Saudi or TMC in japan.
I am a client of your esteemed company and bought a Camry GLI 2004 car from your agents M/s Abdullatif Jameel, Khurais Road, Riyadh, on 31- 01-2005 under installment scheme under which transfer of car is done to the client at completion of the installment payment. Unfortunately, I was obliged to discontinue payment of the installments due to the following problems with the company:

* The first problem:-
The car had several mechanical defects including oil leakage from the engine. I had to take the car to the maintenance department time and again, but instead of fixing the problem, they just told that it was minor problem and was not dangerous. The said problem got worse during the next 4 months of my using the car. On 26.7.2005, I took the car again to the maintenance department and I was told the oil leakage was of serious nature and the engine needs a complete overhaul. It was really upsetting due to the fact that before this, the maintenance had always said that the problem was minor only. In the earlier instances, either the car was not checked thoroughly or I was given a wrong statement.

* The second problem:-
The window glass of my car was broken by some thief, and it got the window temporarily fixed from an external mechanic due to the reason that the incident happened on a Friday and Toyota maintenance department was closed. The next day, I took the car to Toyota maintenance and I was informed the window machine needed to be changed and its cost would not be covered under warranty. I was puzzled to know that only engine was warranty covered and nothing else in the car.

On 06-08-2005 I sent a complaint to the manager of Khurais branch but unfortunately no solution was found. Instead, the complaint was referred to the rental department manager but I was not able to get any response from him.

On 29-08-2005 I sent a fax to the company general manager but ironically found out the fax number give to me by the company employee was wrong!

On 04-09-2005 I sent the complaint to the general manager of the company by the mail and next day a person name Mr. Hassan Yamani called me and said that he was the sales general manager in rental department. He asked me a few questions and then said he will talk to the Khurais branch manager about complaint, but later on, there was no contact by him whatsoever. I sent the complaint to the general manager, central area, but to no avail at all.

After passing of two months, I started another effort to get the problem resolved. I received a call from the company’s collection department. A person named Mohammed said that repayment of my 2 installments was overdue. I tried to explain to him about the car problem but he said he was not concerned about that, and I must pay the installments. I told him that I will only pay the installments when a solution was found for my problem. That person started threatening me, saying that if I did not pay, he will file a case in the court against me and he would eliminate your functional future, and he would get me terminated from my job, and he would get me imprisoned. This person’s attitude was extremely rude and insulting which does not suit at all for an employee of an esteemed company like yours.

On 27-9-2005 I sent a new complaint to Mr. Saad Al-Ghamdi by DHL (consignment # 3049144206) but there was no response to that from the company.

After passing of 6 months of suffering, I received a letter from my employer’s HR department that they had received a complaint against me from Toyota about non-payment of installments, so I should either pay the installment of it would adversely affect my job career. This was like jeopardizing me image in the eyes of my employer. At the same time, I received a letter from the company about hearing notification in the court on 17.11.1426. I appeared in the court but your company’s representative did not show up. I got a confirmation letter from the court to this effect.

On 27-03-2006 I sent a complaint by e-mail to the company and a person Mr. Tariq Al-Shawa called me and said he would set a meeting between myself and the rental branch manager and the maintenance branch manager for the solution of the problem. I went for the meeting but unfortunately, no solution could be reached. Mr. Tariq suggested a solution to satisfy both parties that a 2006 model car could be given as replacement but a payment of SR 16, 000 was to be made. I offered to pay SR 10, 000 then and SR 6, 000 later with installments. He agreed and said he will raise the issue to the public administration in Jeddah. After a week, Mr. Tariq contacted me and said that the administration department agreed on the solution. I express my thanks for the cooperation extended by Mr. Tariq. Later, I was contacted by the branch that I should approach them to get a new car as all formalities were complete and the car was ready to be picked up. I went to the branch, ready for payment through credit card, but on reaching there, I was told that the car was at the port and will be delivered to me as soon it was received. This was repeated 3 times, wasting my time and adding to my agony. Finally, I was told that it was not their business and I should go and see the rental department.

On 13-10-2006 I sent a complaint by mail to Mr. Faisal Abdulla the General Manager of the in the Kingdom and Mr. Tariq Al-Shawa contacted me again and said he would fix a meeting with quality service department manager. In the meeting, the service quality manager said he would find a solution for the problem but two days later, Mr. Tariq informed me that my request was rejected by the administration department.

On 20-11-2006 I sent an e-mail to [email protected] and on 28-11-2006 I already received the following e-mail from TMC CR Division.

“<[email protected]> by Mr.Kazunori Harada (General Manager of Overseas Operations Dept.) as per the below his massage:

Dear Mr. Al Ghamdi:

Your e-mail message of November 22, 2006 addressed to
[email protected] has been forwarded to us for reply. We are sorry to learn of the situation you have encountered.

Please be advised that ABDUL LATIF JAMEEL IMPORT & DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED whom you may have already contacted is responsible for servicing all of our products in your country. In order to ensure a thorough review of the situation as described, your concern has been referred to ABDUL LATIF JAMEEL IMPORT & DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED. You will be contacted by that office in the near future.

Thank you for taking the time to write and bringing this matter to our attention.

Best regards,

Kazunori Harada
General Manager
Overseas Operations Dept.

On 28-11-2006 I already received e-mail from ALJID-CRM (Customer Relations Management) as per the below massage:

Dear Mohammed Ghamdi,

To-Day only we receive letter from TMC which you send Complaint on 22nd Nov 2006 by through Ur email.

We would like to know your mobile no and which place your and which car, which model etc... Where you make a service your car.? We need some details from your side appreciate if you can.

Waiting for your reply and of your above request. Thanks.

You can reach us through
ALJID-CRM (Customer Relations Management)
Jeddah – Al Kumrah (South Chorinche)
Tel No: 02 – 6083333
Ext: 5709 and 5710 or
Toll free No: 800 244 0027.

On 28-11-2006 I sent to them the full details of the problem. From this day till 29.1.2007, I did not receive any response from the company.

On 29-01-2007 I received a call from Mr. Alaa of your Public Administration, Customers Relations Department and I wish to express my thanks for the same. Mr. Alaa asked me a few questions and then informed me that Contract of the rented car has been cancelled by the Administration w.e.f. April 2006 as the Company had the right to cancel the contract without knowledge of the client.

On 10-02-2007 I went to the head office in Jeddah and I met with Mr. Ahmed abuzar and he said to me send me the full details of the problem to his email ([email protected]). I sent the details as per his request and from this day to 29.03.2007 I did not receive any reply from him.

On 23-04-2007 I sent a complaint to Mr. Saad Al-Ghamdi by e-mail ([email protected]) and from this day to 12.06.2007 I did not receive any reply from him.

On18-07-2007 I sent a complaint to Mr. Faisal Abdalla by e-mail ([email protected]) and the same day I received reply from Mr. Jun Avelino – Office of Faisal Abdalla by e-mail ([email protected]) as follows:

Dear Mr. Mohammed,

Kindly be informed that Mr. Faisal is still out of the country until early next week. However, he instructed us to have your case referred to the appropriate department of our company to urgently look at the matter with the end view of resolving the same soonest.

Kindly note that as per our record, this is the first time that we learned about this case. Please be assured of our immediate action on the matter, as per instruction of Mr. Faisal.

Thank you and regards,

Jun Avelino
Office of Faisal Abdalla

On18-07-2007 I sent again the complaint to Mr. Faisal Abdalla by e-mail and the same day I received reply from Mr. Faisal Abdalla by e-mail ( [email protected] ) as follows:

Dear Mr. Mohammed,

Please be advised that your problem has been solved, and we have delegated Mr. Magdy Hassan, the Central Region Customer Relations GM to sit with you to finalize it.

Thanks & regards, , ,

Faisal Abdalla

"من نحن بدونكم"
“What would we do without you”

On 12-08-2007 I already received a call from Mr. Tariq Al-Shawa and I set a meeting with Mr. Magdy Hassan customer relations general manager in the Central Region, attended the meeting was to discuss the complaint has been reached is that the company will be to take me compensation of financial, but the amount has been set, said Mr. Magdy hassan he will be send email to Mr. Faisal Abdalla to take to his approval for the compensation.

On 15-08-2007 I already received a copy from the email Mr. Magdy Hassan by e-mail ( [email protected] ) to Mr. Faisal Abdalla as per the below massage

Dear Mr. Faisal

As the authority was given to me to solve the guest complain I would like to inform that it is already solved as the agreement with guest to have amount (20, 000 SR) only twenty thousand Saudi Rails. So your kindly approval is highly appreciated

Magdy Hasan
What would we do without you?

On 15-08-2007 I already sent to Mr. Faisal two ideas to solve this problem as follows:

The first idea to give me new car from your agency and discount 20, 000 SR From the car price and pay the total remaining amount as installments.

The second idea which increase the amount that you will give me to 30, 000 SR CASH.

On 16-08-2007 I already received e-mail from Abuzar Ahmed Syed by e-mail ([email protected]) as follows:

Dear Mohammed,

The final is to take the amount of SR 20, 000 thru our Central Region office as I told you before, therefore please keep your communication with them only.

Thanks & regards,

Faisal Abdalla

On 18-08-2007 I already sent to Mr. Abuzar Ahmed Syed as per the below massage:

Dear Mr. Abuzar

Thank you for the wonderful style in the response.

I went to your office in the region and their demanded a new car, the opponent of SR 20, 000 and the installation of rest, but they said for me I in the Black list at the company and this because of the procrastination of company of me and they can not give me the car.

The wish the response to solutions offered to you before from my toward and ending the problem or that. I will force that I demand all of the sums and the compensation about the procrastination and the insult that it faced from the company in my giving my right.

Note: I cooperative with you up till now then. I hope the response before you as soon as possible.


On 18-08-2007 I already received e-mail from Abuzar Ahmed Syed by e-mail ([email protected]) as follows:

Dear Mohammed,

Please be advised that this story is over, and we do not have any thing to add. So kindly finalize your issue with our Central Region Office as per agreed and please consider this as the final closing of your problem.

Thanks & regards, , ,

Abuzar Ahmed
For Faisal Abdalla

On 18-08-2007 I already sent to Mr. Magdy Hassan as per the below massage:

Dear Magdy,

Till now we didn't solve the problem, kindly reply your decision with accept or reject about the solution I have provide you with.

Best Regards,

On 20-08-2007 I already received e-mail from Mr. Magdy Hassan by e-mail ([email protected]) as follows: (Is this the way is a threat?)

Dear Mr. Mohammed

The final call is yours as Mr. Abuzar say before to except our maximum limit to delight you and today is final time limit for you

Magdy hasan
What would we do without you?

On 12-09-2007 I sent a complaint to Mr. Mohammed Jamaal by e-mail ([email protected]) Copy to ([email protected]) and from this day to 02.11.2007 I did not receive any reply from him.

On 03-11-2007 I sent the same e-mail to Mr. Ahmed Oman by e-mail ([email protected]) and from this day to 16.12.2007 I did not receive any reply.

On 17-12-2007 I sent a complaint to the Japan Office by e-mail and from this day to 15.03.2009 I did not receive any reply from them.

I have been sending complaints and chasing up to get solution for the problem. I have been visiting Toyota agents in Saudi Arabia but without any positive result. For your information, during this period, I spent more than SR 100, 000 on rental cars...

I will be looking forward to receiving your response and I would highly appreciate to your support to resolve this long the pending issue.

Best & Regards,

Mohammed Al-Ghamdi
Email: [email protected]
July 25, 2008
air bag

I am Hani Al-Mazmumy from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I had purchased Camry car from Toyota as a first hand in 20/10/2007. It is Camry-GLX 2008 with frame number: 6T1BE42K78X459108. I follow up the scheduled maintenance.

I chose a Toyota car because it is one of the best companies in the world with high technology. Unfortunately, I had crashed two pieces of concrete from the front in 20/07/2008 at 3:00 am. This caused a huge damage to the car and the engine had moved from its place. Even though of all that, the AIRBAG did not work. So, the driver and the passenger had injured in their faces.

I am looking for a proper action and urgent reply.

Hani Al-Mazmumy
Mobile # 00966553379300
E-mail: [email protected]

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