Dureing the last week of September, 2007, my future brother in-law phoned us, and told us of an 31ft Springdale camper trailer for sale at Canada 1 RV's.
It had been hail damaged and fell on it's side in the wind, but explained that the price was good, and for our purpose's we should come look. We had ask him earlier in the fall to watch for a camper for, as he owns one and knows some dealers around the city. Infact, his camper was purchased from Canada 1 RV's.
We arived at Canada 1 RV's at 11am and were happy to find surprisingly small damage on the unit and went to find a salesman. When we explained what unit we were interested in, they send a young fellow named Pat to show us the trailer. At this time, my future brother in-law arrived, so now there was 3 of us (myself, my wife Lisa and Newman)
During the next 40 minutes, Pat explained to all of us that the price was not negotiable, but did go on to explain all the reasons that it was such a good deal. He explained (with a wink) that the electric motor on the slide-out worked "intermittently" and that it was likely a broken wire and easily repaired when i got home. He promised the propane tanks would be filled, and that the unit had already been winterized. meaning that when we got home, it was easily stored with no further hassle.
As Pat spoke, the three of us became suspicious of his lie's. Newman and myself crawled under the trailer and found the large screw that moves the slide-out, had been damaged when it tipped over, and physically removed with a saw. We also seen that the stereo was not in the empty mount that was attached to the corner shelf. We knew already that the trailer was an "as is" sale, so we decided not to bring up the slide-out tale, but did ask Pat about the stereo. He said that "it was in his office for safe keeping, but would install it". And he did a few minutes later after we finally convinced him to get it.
We also finally convinced him to pull the trailer near to the shop, and plug it into an outlet, so we could test the appliances. After awhile he also had this done.
Now, knowing the various lies we had already been told, i got my camera and took various pictures of the outside, and of each appliance as we tested them. Including the pink water lines, being proof that they were full of RV anti-freeze.
The fridge, air conditioner and stereo all worked 100%, and i took pictures of each. The propane was empty so i couldn't test the stove or the furnace, but i agree'd that they likely worked fine and said i was happy with what i did know for sure.
From here, we went to the owners (Bev) office to complete the finance forms. As she wrote up a $10,000 purchase price, me and my wife laughed at the 1$ extra she attached to the $9999 sale price. It just seemed fitting, after the lies and half-truths we had already been told during the sale.
now, being 12 - 15 days later, Pat phones me at home, explaining to me that the weather is getting colder, and perhaps id like to have him, for a couple hundred dollars, winterize the trailer, as he was very concerned that the pipes may freeze and break. I nicely declined, and told him i understood that it had already been done, but mentioned nothing of the pictures id taken.
Now, a few weeks later, having made arrangements to have the trailer pulled home, Lisa and Newman returned to Canada 1 rv's to pull it home.
They did a quick looking over of the trailer, and found that the propane tanks had NOT been filled, and that now, not only was the stereo missing, but the steel mounts that hold it, had also been physically removed. Bringing this up with Pat, and another employee, Lance Cornish (son in-law/finance manager of the owner), they were told that it was NOT part of the sale, then later told it had been damaged and would not be replaced. Both got very rude, and after more than 2 hours of arguing, and showing Lance pictures of the unit WITH the stereo and mounts installed, got no where. Being late in the day, and a 4 hour drive home they decided to leave without it.
Since then, ive contacted Lance, and he again said that it was damaged and explained that the pictures i had could have been from any unit on the lot, and that this was a closed issue to Canada 1 RV's.
I believe they are playing on the fact that it is not worth the 4 hour trip into Winnipeg to make a police report and deal with this personally. And to that I agree. But I really do not being stolen from.
Id stay away from Canada 1 RV's at any and all costs. Since meeting the people there, Lisa and myself have been lied to, hung up on, on the telephone by a man named Len, insulted and stolen from. It is truely unbelievable how bad such a place could really be.
All this happened with three of us present, and one being an existing customer who's purchase is still less than 2 years old.