Hi, I recently purchase some worm and flea medication from a company called
www.CanadaVet.com . When I receive my medication I noticed that on the vial
that they had sent me a medication that was way past the expiry date. I
phoned up CanadaVet.com and they said that the have government
authorization to sell out of date medication. At this point I was a bit
alarm, but they assured me that it was all okay. So being the fool that I
am I used their medication and next thing I knew my Dog started shivering
and developed a Concussion. He had problem eating and threw up for days. I
brought him to my vet and was told that this company may have sold me
counterfiet medications. I am fell I am ripped off and have placed my pet
in grave danger. Never Buy from this Company (CanadaVet.com) they are