Canadian Citizens and Businesses Fight Back Against Widespread Corruption in CRA In A Proposed Class Action Lawsuit Against The Minister of National Revenue
Pervasive discrimination against targeted individuals and businesses calls into question whether Canada is a democracy in name only and not in fact, for some and not for all. The Minister of Revenue orders garnishments at the highest rate, in order that the income of taxpayers is seized as quickly as possible with blatant disregard for the resulting human suffering and destroyed businesses. The CRA garnishes income from any source including family benefits, disability allowances, pensions, business income, investments. The injustice is obvious when the Canadian Minister of National Revenue and the CRA are routinely and arbitrarily targeting individual citizens and businesses in all regions of Canada, allegedly violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Statute of Limitations, Contract Law and the Income Tax Act itself including the Taxpayers Bill of Rights.
The Minister of National Revenue ruthlessly seizes Canadian Citizens and businesses bank accounts and issues liens on personal, business property, and insurance policies. These liens are based on improper certificates - RTP- Requirements To Pay instead of proper Court Orders or Judgments of the Court. The democratic rights and freedoms of targeted Canadian Citizens and businesses are effectively canceled since they are denied due process of the law.
Unrelenting intimidation tactics of the Canadian Revenue Agency cause financial hardship, damage to human dignity and psychological suffering to the members of the Proposed Class Action. The intentional arrogance and misconduct of the tax agents in the process of carrying out their duties is unethical and unconscionable. The CRA and their representatives act as if they are not accountable to the law.
The grounds for the proposed Class Action against the Canadian Minister of National Revenue include fraud, discrimination, harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, abuse of process, breach of trust, breach of privacy, negligence, breech of confidential relationship, invasion of privacy, arbitrary targeting of taxpayers and abuse of power
The Minister of National Revenue and the Canada Revenue Agency allegedly bully, harass, intimidate, and illegally demand financial information from Canadian taxpayers.The CRA issues illegal garnishment orders based on Statutes without proper Court Orders or registered letters.
The CRA takes power over the individual taxpayers life and finances. The Minister of National Revenue continues to ignore the human consequences of the unjust actions of his agency the CRA and removes the individuals power to self govern his life, and live independently in safety, freedom, and protected from unlawful seizure of personal and business assets.
Completely ignoring taxpayers rights as well financial resources, the CRA reassess tax returns, threatens to take legal action if the taxpayer does not comply with the demands for private information, payment of arbitrary fines, interest and alleged taxes demanded.
Routinely, the Minister of National Revenue discriminates against targeted individual taxpayers and businesses and orders the CRA to issue illegal garnishment orders based on Statutes without proper Court Orders or registered letters. These are in fact just an RTP and are improperly, illegibly signed by anonymous CRA officials with no identifying information: lacking printed name, title and no witness. Therefore they are not even a legal document and are invalid.
The Minister of Revenue orders the garnishment at the highest rate, in order that the income of taxpayers is seized as quickly as possible with blatant disregard for the resulting human suffering. The CRA garnishes income from any source including family benefits, disability allowances, pensions, business income, investments.
All taxpayers objections are ignored and swept aside with invalid excuses in a pathetic attempt to terrorize people and hide the gross incompetence of the CRA and its practices of Statute driven extortion.
This ruthless intimidation is intended to pressure the taxpayer to enter into a contract with the Minister of National Revenue to pay the alleged amount demanded.
Demanding the taxpayers financial information ignores Sections 7 and 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and effectively cancels the rights to privacy, silence and protection against self-incrimination. On February 11, 2009, Louise Dickson of the Victoria Times Colonist reported on the Charter of Rights Victory in Court against the CRA by Hal Neumann and his wife Maureen Rivers.
This precedent setting case, "Jury awards B.C. man $1.3M for taxman's raid", resulted in the Supreme Court Jury of B.C. ruling that the CRA invasion and search of a citizens home violated the privacy protection in Section 7 and the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure in Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Victoria lawyer Steven Kelliher asked the jury to give a message to the CRA -- "The CRA don't rule us. They have an obligation to respect our fundamental rights. They serve us. They don't prey on us." The verdict of the jury substantiates the following statement: "Gestapo tactics of the Revenue Agency Brought to Light".
According to Kim Bolan as reported in the Vancouver Sun on July 21, 2008, - B.C. Hells Angels, associates, wives and girlfriends- got the CRA to withdraw demands for detailed financial information about their earnings and assets, including any - hidden - outside the country because it violated the Income Tax Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Vancouver lawyer David Martin, Brian Airth as well as others linked to Hells Angels wanted a declaration that the CRA was guilty of illegal conduct by targeting the plaintiffs through an initiative known as - Project MOGAL, - or the - Hells Angel Project - HA - . The CRA gave private financial information to third parties, including the police.
The CRA withdrew the letters of requirement in a precedent setting - out-of-court - agreement made on the same date as the Federal Court challenge was to be heard last spring . The result was that the Airth case was withdrawn.
The Canada Revenue Agency is out of control and acting like an agency in a fascist or communist dictatorship removing the democratic rights of Canadian Citizens and businesses in a systematic process of statute driven extortion.
In addition the Provinces are allegedly in collusion with the CRA and cooperate with them in order to register invalid notices of garnishment based on RTP- CRA requirements to pay which do not constitute judgments of the Court and are not a legal instrument.
Wally Oppal, Attorney General of B.C did not respond to the Notice of Claim for the Statement of Claim- File No. S-116959 in New Westminster, B.C, which objects to such a "bogus" notice of liens against a Canadian citizen's properties.
This fake notice of lien does not constitute a Court Order or Judgment of the Court. The CRA certificate of alleged taxes owing (RTP) registered by a Court administrator, a registrar, remains only a certificate of evidence which is contrary to the Provincial Land Titles Acts such as the LTSA, the Land Titles Survey Authority of British Columbia. Yet it was improperly used to change the title of a citizen's property.
By these improper acts and omissions the CRA with the aid of the Provinces deprives Canadian citizens of equal rights under the law and due process of the law.
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