I am Raffaele Cafagna, 65 years old in Texas; I have been a customer of : Canadian Pharmacy for sometime now and always received a good product; my last order on April 4-09 for $188, 73 with my visa card arrived but the date of manufacturing was July 07 and expiration of 2010; sildenafil citrate 60 pills made in India; the product does not work (this medication is good for 1year ).I complained to the company (Canada) and received a reply from support team that they would solve the problem; I wrote them several time but no response; I guess they do not care; I have all the communications e-mails ; Please : can someone help me on this issue?
Thank you Raffaele Cafagna.
I do not have photos; all I have is E-mails and visa bank charge.
my e-mail [email protected]