This was my last letter to Sears
Attention Sears online sales center.
Original order #seax-010178840-seaz Canon A620 digital camera was ordered at the same time I orgered a Kodak digital and many other items.
I have been a HUGE Sears customer over the years. All my appliances, computers and even car repair has been with you folks since the 70's!
I buy extended warranties with most products and when my lap top acted up a year ago it took an act of GOD to get the right information to finally get it serviced!
NOW! I have my Canon camera die and I am run all over town with three different people at three different service numbers telling me different things to do and 3 different locations to go to!
Finally in the rain I am told to take it to Oakland across the bridge and they can service it "FOR SURE" I was told on two different calls. It is under construction so I have to park blocks away and get down to merchandise pick up where they assured me it could be handled ( I even called again from the car to verify the information) and I am told they can only send in Sony! When I as what am to do now I get a blank stare and no help at all.
Did I mention I am a disabled and have to use a wheelchair or crutches with great pain and difficulty to get around!
Realize please I have gotten in and out of two locations before this the same day in the rain and that I was assured would take it for service. One center didn't even exist any more!
I am am furious! They called down the store general manager and he assures me with his signature it will are be taken care of an not to worry. He was very flip and officious about the whole thing and no one apologized for dragging me all over town or for my inconvenience or trouble. I was treated like I was a bit pain in their collective asses by wanting my unit covered by the plan I had paid for and to get the right information at least once!
I payed the bridge toll and get stuck in traffic home to San Francisco thinking I finally am going to get it taken care of properly but how silly it took a general manager weight to get it done.
So this is 11/06/07 I wait and wait and no call. (my receipt states expected ready date 11/20/07)
I call and am told my camera was sent to the wrong place and came back un repaired and now they can not find it!
I called Jim Kennidy and he is very short with me and says not to worry he will look into it and call me back. Days go by and NO CALL. I call again and He says the same BS he is "researching it" and again no call!
Clearly no one is really "looking into it" and I am just another stupid customer to ignore.
Now I have missed filming my Thanksgiving and did not get any pictures of my Mom who passed away three days ago! Thanks a lot! And now I am worried about not having it for Christmas!
Did I also mention I managed AV Repair Company of Las Altos for 7 years before I retired and we were the largest camera and audio visual service center in the Bay Area! What an irony this is what I fought all my life.
I know service inside out and SEARS idea of service is a JOKE!
I have made sure every one I know knows of my bad handling on my computer and my camera and have spoken to channel 5 eyewitness news about doing a special about your not so special treatment of extended warranty customers.
Please forward this to whom ever gives a darn if there is anyone left at Sears that does.
Kevin McLaughlin
775 Burnett #12
San Francisco, CA 94131
(415) 647-7066
PS: The camera has a 2 year extended with of time left when I brought it in on 11/06/07.
I refused to renew my lap top service.