August 18, 2008
moisture damage
My 3-mo old Canon sI5 stopped working for no apparant reason; I turned it off and then it wouldn't turn back on. Same story, same words as others I've read. Sent it back to factory. Factory claimed water damage, they took pics, etc., said moisture voided warranty. I was informed that the camera was being returned "unrepaired" because it was "beyond economical repair". Their response was "we have no idea of how the water damage happened, you were the one in possesion of the camera at that time", yada, yada yada. In the 3-4 mos we owned it there was no direct exposure to moisture, other than household humidity, outside humidity (not rain!!), hand moisture, etc. It is clear to me that there is a design/manufacturing defect in this camera which makes it susceptible to corrosion. This problem is probably due to poor/contaminated materials in the electronics, internal electrolysis, poor sealing of camera body. There seem to be hundreds of this specific complaint on the internet. Since corrosion is not instantaneous, it probably took the 3-4 mos I owned the camera for it to fester and short things out; in other words it was already corroding from the day or even before the day I purchased it thru AMAZOM. Canon seems to be hiding behind their warranty to not repair/replace/make good to customers. The bottom line here is that I am out $350. after 4 monts, and the camera stopped working 1 day into an expensive 4- day vacation. My wife and I spent considerable time on the phone w/ Jackie, Freda & Supv Marvin w/ absolutely no satisfaction. Through their actions, Canon has basically said "tough luck", but "we value you as a customer" - GIVE ME A BREAK ! THANK YOU CANON FOR THIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE ! I WILL MAKE SURE TO PASS THIS ON TO FRIENDS & FAMILY !