This person goes by different names: Sophia Zaya's, Melva Reid, etc. As well as her company, it can be found under multiple names including Annalicia's Mommy, Inc. Capelli's Emporium, LACEWIGSNHAIRPRODUCTS, etc.
Ladies, please beware of this seller. She is on multiple online hair forums and boards with tons of complaints from buyers who either were totally scammed out of hundreds of dollars and/or when they received the product, it was not what they purchased.
She will befriend you first; seem like your best friend very caring and concerned about your hair and your well being in general. After she gets you to send in the money, you will have major difficulty getting a hold of her. She suddenly rarely answers e-mails, phone calls, and eventually you will not be able to get a hold of her at all.
If you try to file a complaint, she totally denies any wrong doing. However, some have gotten their money back by filing a complaint through Paypal and with their credit card companies.
Please do your research before ordering from Sophe (Sophia Zayas) of LACEWIGSNHAIRPRODUCTS (her Youtube name).
Here's her YouTube Site:
She has deleted most of the poor reviews and comments; therefore, as of today's date (12/27/09), you can no longer leave any negative feedback on her YouTube site. All Comments are now subject to review by her. This keeps people from telling the truth about purchases that they have made on her site.
YouTube Complaint (this is only one of many many many YouTube complaints; please do a google search):
Ebay Complaints:**emporium*fabhair4u&iid=-1&de=off&items=25&page=
Banned from this forum for scamming customers out of their money:
*She will likely change her name in 2010 and into the future, please be on the lookout.