Had Stoke in 4/2003, X was made Payee, Failed to follow rules and guide lines of disabity laws as payee.
Spent and took all money, took out cards in my name with my id, showed up in a court matter due to her doings that I had noothing to do with or knew now of, Showed me living in places getting mail there, never did. Have Federal Court recorts to proe all I say is true, most all was removed. The local court officer even told it was not me in the room and they still report on my credit score. A bank does the same thing.
Under law a disabled person who has a payee is not even allowed to have say so om money matters.
The payee has to do right. But it seems they can do what thay want and the credit reporters can report
misleading information about some and degrade them for something someonelse does or has no control over.
To top it all off when you find your being abused and call 911 for help, they will not respond as the federal law requires. Then after the 3rd call you get a deputy who listens and resque's you from under a porch in the middle of the night by force with EMS and find you've benn over dosed and near death.
No one want to report these things on record.