I have also answered a ad on craigslist, and my story is the same as what I am reading here on the complaints board. But a heads up, the name that I am getting is a Beth Feldman. I have told her a couple of times that I did not want their services, and not to contact me any longer, but I continue to receive e-mails from her. She/he has also stated that<br />
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"Just so we are clear: We are a full time permanent staffing/recruiting company with positions paying over $50, 000 that also provides a resume service. You are NOT paying to get a job but we are attempting to make the right first impression so you get the first and second interviews before someone else does. At the moment, your resume is creating a negative effect according to some of the employers. We do not want to see your resume being rejected yet again for these top level jobs. The process is we improve your resume, send you a copy for approval today, and then we can send the resume to all our contacts in your area. These jobs are not public, so you have no competition but we must act quickly or someone else will surely take the jobs that were meant for you. I will also suggest to the companies who I have a close relationship with, to email you more information about each job so you may prepare yourself prior to the interviews. You will be more prepared and confident which will make a great first impression. The next step is you can place an order for the entry or mid level resume package (http://www.career-experts.org/services.html) and we will have a copy for you and the employer in a few hours (95 percent of companies seem to react well to the mid level resume). If you register today, I'm also going to include a gift of free cover and thank you letters (value of $30). Once I receive your order, I will make the call to the companies for interview schedule verification at the dates/times you specified. All of my clients are working within 1 week. I am coinfident with us working together, you wil be on the job shortly." <br />
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Notice the mis-spelled word in the above statement. I do not know of any employment agency that is offering such top notch opportunities would make such flagrant mistakes. These are small words she/he has mis-spelled. Also notice that they stated that when I put my order in for a "new resume" only then would they make the calls to the companies.<br />
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So my point is that she/he has figured out that the pubic has figured her/him out.