Answered a job listing on Craigslist (SLC). Received the following response:
Hello, how are you? One of my clients sent me your resume and we want to follow-up
with you. Are you ready for a career change? Are you free for live or phone interviews this week? My name is Sister Mary Joseph. I am the CEO of Career Experts (helping people find top level careers in the "hidden job market" since 1995). I am really impressed with your rich work
experiences. I can tell from your experiences that you are very good working with the public, a "people person" which is exactly what we are looking for.
I have spoken to a few companies about your background and the feedback has been very positive so far. Now they wish to meet you this week. Are you available for an interview with the companies? What is your availability? Do you prefer mornings, afternoons, or evenings/weekends? Could you be available as early as tomorrow for phone interviews?
We will be working together on your job search so I would like you to know who we are and how we operate. We are a 15 year-old recruiting firm hired by many large companies who only want to
hire the best candidates at the best salary (usually $50, 000 or more) and they pay us a commission to help them find staff. The commission DOES NOT come from your salary. What you make, you keep. We do not charge you anything to find a job. I am your agent and you can ask me any questions in order to feel more confident prior to your interviews.
We will setup the interviews for you and prepare you with full job descriptions and company information but it is your responsibility to show up for the interviews and get the job. We have an 85% successful placement rate within the first week and I am confident the companies will want to meet or speak to you this week subject to your availability. I will confirm the interview times once I know your schedule. Please look at the following list of jobs and let me know which offers interest you by number.
The full time permanent positions with benefits I have for you now near your home:
1) Sheraton Hotel & Ritz Carlton Hotels: Administrative Assistant $55, 000 or more.
2) Pediatrician Office Manager at Children’s Hospital $55, 000.
3) Airport: Administrative Assistant responsible for customer service $52, 000 or more.
4) Law office: Administrative Assistant $55, 000.
5) Administrator at a Plastic Surgery Clinic $52, 500.
6) Psychology Office Manager.. Excellent benefits $52, 000+.
7) Chiropractor Office Manager. $54, 000 + benefits.
8) University Admissions Office Administrator. $55, 000.
9) Bank – Customer Service.. $47, 000.
10) Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgeon – Office Manager. $52, 000.
11) Administrative Assistant – Elevator Company. $55, 500.
12) Hospital Admissions Department – Administrative Assistant. $57, 000.
13) Law Office: 2 Administrative Assistants $22 per hour (negotiable).
14) Optometrist Office: Office Manager – $52, 500.
15) Full-Time Administrative Assistant / Office Music Producer. Salary $52, 500 annually + benefits.
16) Administrative Assistant. Exxon Mobil. $55, 000 + health benefits.
17) Public Relations/Customer Service. Google. $57, 000 + health benefits.
18) Accounting Clerk. Pediatrician. $57, 800 (Interviews this week!)
19) Administrative Assistant for Asian Export Company. $58, 000 + benefits. (Interviews this week!).
20) Maternity Ward Administrative Assistant. General Hospital. $55, 000.. Training Provided.
21) Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Ice Cream Company. $57, 500.. Interviews this week with 2 weeks paid training.
22) Mail Room Manager at Law Firm. $47, 000-$57, 000.
I have told the employers to please wait one more day and I will get back to them shortly and let them know your availability for the first round of interviews whether they be live or by phone. Then I will send them your revised resume best suited for the jobs for which you are applying. Please have a look at the resume samples on our website ( and then let me know which style you wish us to make for you.
It is safe to say we are on the same page in wanting you to get the interview and get hired this week. Good for you and good for us. I look forward to managing your career search with you. The sooner, the better. Many of my clients were hired yesterday.
I am recommending we work together so that you are not rejected in favor of someone else and each application has the most positive effect. Thank you and congratulations on your new career. God Bless You.
Sister Mary Joseph, CEO
In response I wrote to them:
Hello Again:
You are stating that my resume " is creating a negative effect" to some employers! (certainly not what your original email stated and quite the opposite) I had my resume created by a professional, whom I paid $300.00 to do. I refuse to pay another "service" to do it again.
Should my resume not meet your "requirements" and is not "acceptable" to the employers you associate with, that is cetainly their "right". Please do not contact me under the guise of a employment service only to cash in on your resume package!!
Your job listing on Craiglist is obviously a means to attract people under the guise of a job, only to use your resume service. I question your integrity and ethics!
In Response to my email I received this:
Job offer:
Hello. How are you? Instead of paying us for a resume, I think this may interest you and we want someone of your caliber on our team. We pay $20-$25/hour plus good health benefits. With the way the economy is now, it's best to have a steady & guaranteed income.
I need some help replying to all my emails. You may work from home. Payment details are described below. I will also create a free resume for you while you are working for me. I will send this resume to my contacts who will contact you for an interview or you have the option of working full time with me.
I am a recruiter serving companies all over North America and as a result, I receive over 1000 resumes by email each day from prospective candidates for the jobs I need to fill. I need some help replying to all my emails. They all ask the same questions so I have prepared a pre-written answer sheet that you send them (copy/paste). We offer the candidates a resume revision service that they order directly from our website. We are a very popular and busy service so there is no way to keep up with the demand that is why we pay so well. Not only do we pay well but also you can feel good about your work knowing we are helping so many people and making so many unemployed people happy.
Please let me know if you can do this. There is no fee or payment from you whatsoever! You work with us. We pay you.
The position is to reply to all the incoming inquiring emails. Please carefully study the four (4) Word files that you must download from the link below. If you cannot open the link, try pasting it into your web browser: Read the 4 files first before asking me 20 questions. The link includes an easy to follow guide, which answers all the frequently asked questions about the job duties and our company. You are joining a team of 155 agents from around the world who have been with us since 1995. I have made the guide such that you could read the guide and start working immediately. The most common question for any new job is about your salary which is $20USD/hour x 40 hours/week payable every second Friday by Western Union or Certified Cheque to your home or PAYPAL. Tax forms will be mailed to you. We do not require a work sheet; we pay you either 20 or 40 hours per week every second Friday. I need to know your full name and address with the # of hours you can work each week and your preferred Western Union office's full address or PAYPAL address. Once payment is made, you will receive your authorization #/pickup # to obtain your pay. Every 2nd week, we give out a $1000USD cash prize to the employee who has responded to the most emails. We have a method for calculation. We are also now offering an incentive program such that after 8 weeks of us working together, you get an automatic raise to $25USD/hour. I am excited to work with you. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. This will be my last correspondence with you if you do not reply to this terrific offer. If you aren't interested, no need to reply. If you are interested, you may start right now. Thank you and looking forward to a prosperous relationship with you.
Sister Mary Joseph, CEO
I responded with an email requesting a phone number. In turn, I got this response:
Not possible. Email takes 1 minute whereas phone takes much longer.